You are too Weak.

"So you are saying that Dracula Von Yrniel is a fake and the real progenitor of the Vampires was Azriel Origin?"

"Yes, that is correct." Azriel nodded.

"And you lived the life of Azriel Origin for Forty Thousand years?"

Luminia questioned.

"Yes, I stopped counting since I got bored, but it was definitely more than Forty Thousand Years."

Azriel nodded again.

"The Blood that is currently flowing in your body belongs to Azriel Origin?"

Ithania questioned.

"Well, not exactly, the blood flowing in my veins in my blood, however, since I drank Origin's Blood Essence, my blood has been transformed into the blood of the Progenitor.

So rather than saying that I have Origin's Blood flowing through my veins, it is better to say that the blood flowing through my veins gives me the same potential that Origin had.

This blood would allow me to regain my previous powers, once I am done with that, I will find out who this Dracula whatever is and have a little chat with him.