Was that too much for you?

A blood drop moved out of Azriel's Body and started floating in the air, even under the intense suction of the Magic Circles that looked like they were about to devour not only the Mana, but any matter they find as well,

The Blood Drop continued to flow… elegantly?

Yes, there was a strange air of elegance around the Blood Drop, it was emitting strange energy.

The Magic Circles turned brighter, however, this time, unlike before, the suction force did not increase.

The blood drop then moved and started descending.

The lower it got, the more intensely the Magic Circles glowed.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

This atmosphere around the room began to change as wind currents started flowing.

Azriel and Ithania's hair started blowing in the wind, Azriel's eyes then shined,

The Blood Drop descended and finally merged with the Magic Circles.

The Magic Circles shined brighter than ever.


A thunderous roar of clouds was heard.