Those Techniques are Trash.


Luminia and Ithania didn't know what to say.


Azriel couldn't understand why they were acting so strangely.

"These techniques…"

Luminia questioned.

"Trust me, they are the best techniques for the current you," Azriel repeated his point.

"Do… do you know what tier they are?"

"Tier? Ah, as in the Star ranking?" Azriel realized.

"Yes." Luminia nodded.

"Well, I don't know… hmmmm, well, just call them 14 Star? Yes, 14 should be good."

Azriel nodded.



Again, Ithania and Luminia turned silent as they glanced at each other.

One had to know, the Cultivation Techniques, the Crimson Dominance, and Blood Mana Union, that Azriel cultivated before going into the Trial and were known as the best techniques the Vampires had were only… 12 Star Techniques.

Higher level techniques…

Well, nobody even knew they existed.

And as if knowing what they were thinking, Azriel waved his hand,