Neutralizing The Poison (Ch.32)

"Twenty years has passed since then Veah...In these twenty years, I have mourned the loss of six of my children and I have yet to hear the cry of my own living child."

"And now, whenever I look into the eyes of my mate and see the pain he tries to hide for fear of hurting me... I feel like a failure..." Luna Colleen sobbed.

"You're not a failure Aunt Colleen... you're not." Neveah assured the sobbing Luna.

Luna Colleen stopped and turned, resting her head again Neveah's chest, she sobbed quietly.

Neveah stiffened, she was not accustomed to being in such close proximity with anyone or witnessing such an emotional display.

Neveah could see Luna Colleen had been bottling up her emotions for the longest time because she did not want to break down before Alpha Dane.

And Neveah guessed she was now unable to contain her emotions and choose to pour it out.

For some reason Neveah could not understand, it seemed Luna Colleen trusted least enough to show Neveah this vulnerable side of her.

"Save my girls Veah... I will do anything, even if I have to give my life in exchange... just save my girls." Luna Colleen pleaded.

The fact that Luna Colleen did not feel entitled to Neveah's aid even when Neveah's father had already permitted it.

The fact that she still requested Neveah's help so humbly and repeatedly, it touched Neveah's heart.

Neveah found herself slowly lifting her hands to settle on the back of the sobbing woman and making her a promise.

"Your pups will be born safely Luna Colleen, I will make sure of it." Neveah promised as she rubbed soothing circles over Luna Colleen's back.

Neveah then guided Luna Colleen to a clearing where there was a quietly flowing stream and Luna Colleen sat down by the edge of the stream, dipping her legs into the stream.

"To neutralize the poison, you have already taken the herbs that will aid you to control your energy flow." Neveah began,

If there was anything she had paid attention to in the healers tribe, then neutralizing poisons was one of them.

That was because Neveah had already learnt how to neutralize poison even before going to the healer's tribe,

The knowledge had been a necessary precaution in the event that the Alpha Queen decided to poison Neveah for the seventh time.

"I will guide you to feel for the foreign substance in your body and I will help you force it to certain points where I can make incisions to get it out." Neveah explained.

"We can only go a little at a time till the entire poison is neutralized. Remember, the poison has been in your system for years now, rushing the process will harm not just the pups but you as well."

"So when I tell you to stop, please comply immediately." Neveah continued in a serious tone and Luna Colleen nodded.

"I understand." Luna Colleen said.

Neveah then pulled out a clean, sterilized knife and waited.

"Now, take a deep breath in and reach into yourself. Shifters are beings of nature, greater beings and the magic of nature flows through our veins."

"You have more control over your subconscious than you think you do, the herb given will isolate the poison within your blood stream. Use your wolf senses..."

"Find the trace of that substance that is not meant to be within is a slow process, do not rush it." Neveah directed.

The ways of the Omega healers were dependent on the magic of nature and the strength of the wolf within.

The herb had done it's work, it was now up to Luna Colleen to purge the substance out of her bloodstream.

Neveah watched as Luna Colleen followed her instructions slowly, it took a few tries before finally Neveah noticed the change

Luna Colleen's veins slowly blackened and Neveah shook her head slightly, unable to believe someone had been malicious enough to administer the Moon Whisper to Luna Colleen.

"Direct it to flow down to your wrist, you will feel a paralyzing effect but do not worry... all you need is your mind, I will take care of the rest." Neveah guided,

Neveah watched the blackened veins, the movement of the substance was visible in her view and as the substance moved down to her wrist,

Neveah reached for Luna Colleen's hand, placing a light touch on the back of her hand first, so as not to alarm her wolf who was already on the surface.

Luna Colleen stiffened unconsciously at Neveah's touch and it took a moment before she relaxed again and Neveah turned her hand over slowly.

Neveah then placed the knife down against Luna Colleen's wrist, making a slight incision.

Luna Colleen's eyes snapped open to reveal a pair of glowing yellow orbs, a low growl escaping her lips.

Neveah knew she was faced with Luna Colleen's wolf and if she did not explain herself immediately, the wolf would lunge.

So Neveah remained as still as possible, holding the wolf's gaze.

"I won't harm you or the pups... I promise..." Neveah said slowly, knowing Luna Colleen's wolf could understand her.

It took a moment but Luna Colleen's eyes fluttered closed again and Neveah could finally heave a sigh of relief.

Neveah cut in deeper and watched the blackened blood flow out of Luna Colleen's wrist.

"If you can hear not heal, not yet..." Neveah said as she watched the blood flow out rapidly.

The wrist was a dangerous spot since Neveah had cut in deep to the artery, however she needed to get the blood out and at the same time, she needed to pay close attention so Luna Colleen did not suffer from blood loss.

"Heal now, that's enough..." Neveah said when Luna Colleen's facial pallor began changing.

Luna Colleen followed Neveah's instruction and Neveah watched as the incision she made closed up, the bleeding stopped and the flesh came back together,

It took a short while but soon, Luna Colleen's wrist was completely healed and the grass all around them was blackened with the poisoned blood and withered away.