A Thorn (Ch.747)

"Imagor wants us to go after him." Neveah guessed. "Bring him back... bring them both back."

"It's enemy territory now and Menarx is King's guard. Chances are..." Dante began to say but Neveah cut him off.

"He won't find it as easy to leave as it is to get in. I know what the chances are." Neveah murmured, sucking in a sharp breath. She exhaled slowly, in a futile attempt to calm her wolf's agitation.

 'We should have killed her when she asked us to hand Menarx over to her sister!' Her wolf hissed.

'Keila wasn't...we couldn't have known she would betray dragon court.' Neveah reasoned. 'She was just helping out her dying sister, we don't kill without good reason.'

'We should have killed them both for future assurance!' Her wolf hissed, a familiar savagery blended in her tone. 'She'll get Menarx killed and they'll drag us into it! I will not let them off twice!'