Waiting on death

"Let me go! I need to save him!" Nancy pleaded, but the man holding her back had no intention of letting her go to her certain death.

"If you go in there, you'll die too. Charlie's gone okay?" He wrapped his arms around her, "He's gone."

Nancy stopped struggling in his hold and her sobs quieted, so he thought she finally calmed down, but it was the exact opposite. She was so terrified that she couldn't move, think or even blink.

The guy that held her furrowed his brows as he looked at her pale, sweaty face, "Are you okay?" When he got no reaction from her, he started to shake her, "Nancy?!" But still nothing.

"Guys, something's wrong with Nancy," he started, but when he turned to look at his other friends, they were all frozen where they stood as well, pale-faced and sweaty.

Unbeknownst to him, something was happening; they were all staring death in the face. Realization struck and he followed their gaze to the darkness that took his friend's life, and that's when he saw him...it rather.

From the darkness sprouted a man, dressed in a jeans jacket, cuffed jeans pants, and large black boots. He couldn't believe it, was his eyes deceiving him?


The fear that took his friends' minds and bodies crept up his spine as a cold shiver, sweat erupted from his pores and his blood circulation seemed to have slowed down causing his skin to appear pale. What was this fear?

His knees trembled under the pressure of his dead weight as he questioned his mind and body. 'That's my friend, he's alive, I should be running to him then why...why am I so terrified that I can't even move or speak?'

Charlie finally appeared fully from the darkness and that's when he saw it, the reason for his fear. The appearance of his friend was ghastly, too horrifying for even the worst of nightmares.

His body was still intact and appeared whole, but his face...where was it? There were no eyes and even his nose and mouth were missing, but how could he have had those without skin? His face was just flesh and blood!

'Run, I need to run!' was their thought, but their bodies never complied; they just stood there, waiting on death to take them with him.

With veiny, sickly pale arms, Charlie tore apart his shirt revealing the location of the nose, eyes, and mouth that were missing from his face.

His first victim was his girlfriend, Nancy. Blood splattered everywhere soiling the dried leaves and the trees as her screams echoed through the woods. One by one, they all fell, slowly and torturously eaten alive by the monster of the teenage boy they each once called friend, boyfriend, and brother.

It was a horrendous and gory sight that one wouldn't even want their worst enemy to witness, but one unfortunate fellow did. Greg rushed back upon hearing the screams of his friends and remained frozen behind a tree as he watched the monster make a buffet out of them.

His eyes met the pained gaze of the last friend he had, he was halfway inside the large mouth of the creature and was being chewed like bubblegum, but he was very much still alive.

"H-Help me," he heard his friend stutter out, but there was nothing he could have done to save him even if he were to try.

It was when the creature finally finished his friend and looked at him through its big, bloodshot eyes that Greg finally decided to run.

The creature didn't hesitate to make chase and unfortunately for Greg, his speed was no match for the monstrous predator that trapped him to the ground with its muscular arms.

Greg didn't bother to scream or cry, what was the point? He was going to die anyway, but it didn't stop him from speaking to the monster drooling blood all over him.

"You're such a stubborn asshole, Charlie, I told you a billion times not to go in that hellhole and you did anyway," Greg reprimanded. "Now look what happened, you turned into a monster and killed everyone...including me."

Greg closed his eyes and accepted his fate, "If you're going to kill me just get it over with."

However, death never reached him, because strangely enough, the creature hopped off Greg and raced in another direction.

Greg slowly got up, staring confusingly in the direction the creature went, "Did he spare my life?"

Just as he asked himself that question, he saw the creature's back connecting with a tree and heard its pained cry.

Greg scurried into the bushes just as men dressed in dark suits appeared out of nowhere all around. The creature charged toward them baring its teeth and claws, but was subdued by the bullets fired by multiple men.

A man that looked to be in his late twenties dressed in a similar fashion but with dark shades and silver hair appeared from amongst the men. He slipped a surgical glove onto his slender hand before taking the wallet from the pocket on the pants adorned by the paralyzed creature.

He opened it and took the student ID that was inside before muttering, "Charlie huh? May your death as well as your friends' be the last and serve as a warning for no one else to come to this place."

The silver-haired man rose to his feet as he pushed Charlie's ID into his pocket, "We'll be taking this ghoul with us to headquarters."

Greg watched wide-eyed as the man approached a human figure standing in the darkness. He couldn't see properly if it was a man or a woman in there, but whatever it was had beautiful white hair that cascaded down its lanky body stopping just below its lower abdomen.

It's what stood out the most to Greg and ended up being all he had the time to notice because he later had to make a quick escape when the silver-haired man commanded his men to scour the area for any survivors, though it was unlikely for a human that faced a ghoul to survive.

One of the men reported back after some time, "Sir McKnight, we found no survivors."

He nodded before returning his red eyes to the creature before him hiding in the darkness. "Even in death you and your family are a royal pain in my ass."