Seduced by a ghost

A loud gasp followed by a series of harsh coughs left Amaira's blood-stained lips causing her to feel a great amount of pain in her chest. Her body felt weak and her mind cloudy, but that much was expected since she's been throwing up blood for the past hour even in her unconscious state.

After what felt like she was emptying all the blood in her organs through her mouth by the root of an oak tree, with her vision blurry and her legs on the verge of giving up on her, she trudged into the darkest part of the woods despite her fears.

Amaira would rather face the monster inside the darkness than be beaten to death by her hateful neighbors or locked away forever in a prison cell. She already felt like she was dying anyway since vomiting so much blood could never be normal.

When her legs couldn't support her anymore she started to crawl, she wanted to get as far away as possible, but the voices were still so close and she was losing strength.

'Where am I now? Did I die?'