A frightened puppy

The sound of a stampede of footsteps stole Amaira's attention and before she could wrap her head around what was going on, she was surrounded by monsters that had faces of people she knew from her neighborhood.

They were all people who hated her guts for one reason or the other. Seeing them with such horrific appearances, Amaira could only guess that they were monsters all along and were disguising themselves as humans and hiding among them, just like the Stone family.

She looked among the faces for Natalia or either of her slutty lackeys, but they weren't among the mob of creatures that only positioned themselves in a circle around her as if they were waiting to see what move she'd make.

There was definitely too much of them for Amaira and though her limbs were shaking terribly and a shiver of fear was wiggling up her spine, she had no intention of staying frozen in her spot like a frightened puppy, she was going to escape!