The night won't last forever

"I didn't ask Elias to be merciful toward you so we could talk about the past or my love life." Oliver crossed his feet at his knees. "My brother is very hungry today; I won't be able to stop him another time if you don't cooperate."

Adeline's eyes fell on the shirtless beast of a man, staring at her like a predator eyeing its prey. Elias terrified her greatly; he was the most gorgeous man she's ever laid eyes on in all her years, but he was a savage, a monster...the devil. 'Why does such a horrible creature deserve such a magnificent face and physique?'

"What are you shamans planning?" 

Adeline tore her gaze away from Elias and looked at the vampire who broke her heart not once but twice in the past. "That is no secret." Oliver narrowed his eyes at her as she continued. "We're simply finishing unfinished business."

"I need a clear response, Adeline."