A titan

"Grant me the power to save Alia and escape this place, and I will..." Taranis trailed off. His lips downturned into a frown when he realized he had nothing to trade...nothing to offer.

He knew it had to be something important to him like maybe his eyesight or his dick, but he knew when nature is angry...it gets really angry, and giving such things wouldn't be enough.

Taranis thought giving up his love for Amaira and his family by sacrificing his emotions would be a good trade, but he recalled what happened to Elias when he shut off his humanity. However, what other choice did he have?

"And you will what?" he heard a feminine voice question. "What will you offer nature, Taranis?" the woman questioned and his eyes shot open.

Before him was a woman he had never seen before; her skin and hair were gold in color and her eyes were like black orbs. No clothes covered her nakedness, but her hair lengthened to her ankles, covering her breasts and private area.