I need a hug?

Amaira's cheeks were hollow and her lips were dried and blue. Her dark-circled eyes were far sunken in her head, but the pair of red eyes focused on her relatives brightened her face.

'They won't mind if you take just a small bite,' the voice in her head tried to convince her. 'You'll feel better.'

Amaira stared at her visibly terrified relatives trying to figure out why they suddenly smelled so good...so irresistible. She was very hungry before, starving rather, but what she was feeling now was much more than that.

She felt as if she'd die if she doesn't get a tiny taste.

Amaira covered her face fully yet again and tried to shake the disgusting thoughts from her head. 'Why am I thinking about eating my relatives?' she internally questioned.

'You're hungry, Amaira,' her inner voice started. 'Stop resisting and just do it.'