Amaira's brother

"No, I'm a man," William argued amidst a chuckle. "Allow me to prove it to you."

"Please don't take off your clothes," Elias quickly interjected.

William laughed, "Don't worry, I won't." He pulled a small, round device from his neck before speaking in a voice much deeper and more masculine than before, his British accent making it sound much deeper.

"I place this round device on my neck and it alters my voice, making it come out smaller, higher, and a lot more feminine," he explained.

William gently took his long, dark brown hair from his head, revealing purely black hair underneath that was neatly slicked back and covered by a mesh hair net.

"My hair is naturally dark brown like any and every other Hendrix, but I dyed it because I don't want to look like them."