
"Okay, it's off the speaker," Anessa told her. "But seriously Emily, I trust Tristan, anything you want to tell me he can hear it too."

"That's very nice, Anessa but, trust is a very strong word that I don't just give to anyone," Emily started. "You might trust him, but I don't, so be a nice little girl and go somewhere private so we can talk."

Anessa sighed, wiping the tears from below her eyes, "Fine." After some time she returned the phone to her ear, "Okay, I'm somewhere private."

"You're in a cleaning closet?" Emily questioned.

"No, a supplies closet."

"Okay, so, Darniel left to go find Victoria."

Anessa's eyes widened, "What? By himself?"

"No no, that'd be suicide, he's smarter than that," Emily started. "He had some friends fly in from France."

"So, you're convinced now he's Blake?" Anessa carefully questioned.