The Flight

It's two in the afternoon, Chase took one last look at his reflection on the mirror before the door ring starts going off.

He pushed his phone inside his pocket then grabbed his watch to put it on his left wrist while walking toward the front door of his penthouse, only to place his thumb on the fingerprint board of the door that automatically opened after recognizing the owner's fingerprint.

Noah and Mia jumped, hugging him tightly, he felt as if his bones were going to crush any time soon in their hug.

" Guys, I can't breathe and you are crushing my bones." He complained, only for Noah to pat his back and tighten the hug " Don't worry, I can take care of your bones and Jack will take care of your lungs." He paused only to let out a involuntary, and high-pitched scream of excitement " I can't believe we all got picked."

Yes, as Noah said their entire friend group miraculously got chosen for the SSL.

They still can't believe it.

The earth could not contain their happiness and excitement this morning when they saw their names on the list that was published on the SSL's official website.

Chase pushed Mia and Noah away so that he can breathe properly " I can't believe it either and as much as I want to throw a party to celebrate it, we unfortunately but also fortunately have to leave New York right now."

He turned around to grab his suitcase which he packed earlier in the morning and left it by the door, before he and Noah as well as Mia walk to the latter's car.

Kia Carens, a big car, 6 seater.

" Where are Jack, Ethan and Oliver?" Chase asked as he put his suitcase inside the trunk, adding it to Mia and Noah's suitcases.

Mia got in the driver's seat, Noah in the passenger seat and Chase as usual in the back seat.

" We'll go pick them up." Said Mia as she started driving.

They pulled over just five minutes later to pick up Jack.

Jack Alex, same age as the rest of his friend group, and he is a pulmonologist.

[A pulmonologist is a physician who specializes in the respiratory system. From the windpipe to the lungs, if the complaint involves the lungs or any part of the respiratory system, a pulmonologist is the doctor people need to solve the problem. Pulmonology is a medical field of study within internal medicine.]

"I'm so happy we got chosen together." The first thing Jack said the second he got in the back seat with Chase and hugged him along with giving Noah a slight pat on the shoulder.

His cheeks slightly reddened when his eyes landed right into Mia's who chuckled and continued driving " We all are happy, Jack."

Jack just hummed and adjusted his sitting position, trying to busy himself with anything other than looking at Mia.

Everybody in the group knows that Jack has always had a thing for Mia, of course except for the latter, although Jack is so obvious, she never notices for some reason.

Lastly, they pulled over next to their last two friends' place, Oliver and Ethan who live together.

" What the fuck? Was that list real?" Ethan screamed and stormed inside the car, crushing the poor Jack.

While Oliver, the quiet one. He is not only the quietest one but also the smartest and oldest also the most secretive one in the group.

He is a Cardiologist.

(Cardiologists are doctors who have extra education and training in preventing, diagnosing and treating heart conditions. They are experts on the heart muscle itself and the arteries and veins that carry blood.)

Oliver's dad was also a doctor that had the opportunity to join the SSL almost twenty years ago when Oliver was just a little kid, but unfortunately the latter did not have the chance to follow his dad and make him proud because his dad died there very few years later.

Oliver just shook his head hopelessly because of his roommate and grabbed Ethan's suitcase which the latter threw to the ground and took it along with his to the trunk.

Ethan is also a Cardiologists, he is also the most energetic one in the group and the funniest.

His nickname is mostly giraffe or Electricity column because he is too tall.

This guy is 6'4.

" Yes, it's real. Now go back to your place, Ethan." Oliver got inside the car, and grabbed Ethan to push him down in his place so that Mia can start driving toward the airport.

Mia put the location of the airport in the GPS of the car then started driving while listening to her friends talking.

" Mom and the girls cried so much when I told them about the list." Said Chase.

Chase's mother did not want him to get chosen, because although she knows how much he wants to join the SSL, she could not help but be selfish and pray he never gets chosen just so that he would not go without coming back ever again.

That's why she sobbed so much this morning when he went to visit her and his two little sisters who also cried and never stopped hugging him.

" Don't remind me, I miss mom already." Spoke Ethan, sad about bidding goodbyes to his family but also smiling happily about the fact that he is joining the SSL.

Each one of them talked about how hard it was to say goodbye to their families and they would have continued doing so, if the quiet Oliver in the very back seat did not open his mouth to ask " Have any of you ever wondered why this lab is that secretive? Like what are we going to do there exactly? What are we going to work on?"

The car fell completely silent after they heard what Oliver said, this is probably the longest thing Oliver has ever said.

Noah, in the passenger seat, turned around to face them " Well, we know that it's secretive to the point that only very few people that know where it's at.

I also have just got to know that the very-trusted doctors can actually leave and return whenever it's necessary.

The place is under heavy security, and it also contains very developed equipments and devices that we have never seen before."

Everyone listened to what Noah said Carefully, especially Chase who asked " How did you know all this?"

" Dad is a CIA agent, remember?" He spoke before turning to sit back in his seat.

CIA: central Intelligence Agency

Mia pulled over in front of the airport " We'll get there soon and discover everything. For now, let's not miss our flight."