Kiss Me

It's ten O'clock at night, the darkness is spread outside.

The snowflakes are slowly falling down from the sky and hitting the ground, pilling together.

Chase watched one of the snowflackes slowly floating down as he lifted his hand, allowing it to rest on his palm.

He flinched when he felt someone's hands holding his shoulders, he thought it was Daniel at first but when he felt how cold these hands are, he instantly turned around " You… You woke up? Arrow, how are you feeling?"

The vampire stood behind him, still wearing only his towel around his waist, his eyes seem to be half opened as he held a calm eye contact with the doctor " I'm fine." He paused to look down at his hands and asked in confusion " What happened? I don't remember."

" What is the last thing you remember, Arrow?" Chase asked as he lifted his hand to hesitantly place it on the vampire's cold cheek, which made the latter close his eyes and lean into Chase's touch.