Dungeon Collapse [4]

Lillianna eyed the rapidly approaching gelatinous monstrosity with trepidation, her heart pounding audibly.

As she raced towards the creature so strong, she had no business fighting the likes of. Lillianna couldn't help but feel a chilling fear grip her chest.

However, she didn't let her terror consume her. She was a warrior trained from youth to fight, not a coward who would run away from an enemy. 

Even if doing so meant her death.

Channelling her magic, Lillianna's speed skyrocketed, with each step accelerating her in real time.

Unfortunately, the Queen Slime wasn't just idly waiting for the princess to approach.

Its gelatinous body rippled as it sprouted several long, slimy tentacles, each poised to attack the oncoming human.

Lillianna pivoted her feet, dodging three of its tentacles in one fluid motion. Utilizing her momentum, she slashed at the bodies of the tentacles, cutting them off in one fell swoop.