WebNovelDear Dove10.07%

Uninterrupted Dinner

Rose didn't take the time that she usually would have to enjoy her bath. In fact, she rather rushed through it so that she would be out before her father get back.

The only thing that she paid attention to was that her hair was probably taken care of otherwise she knew that it would end up a horrible tangled mess when she went to brush it.

She never quite knew where her red hair came from. Her father said that it came from his great grandmother's side yet no one else in her immediate family seemed to share it except for her. Her mother's side certainly didn't have anyone with such dark red hair. At least that she was aware of.

Rose loved her hair but it could also be a pain to take care of at times. It required extra care to keep it in professional shape.

Once out of the bath, she didn't even bother drying it properly as she wasn't planning on sleeping any time soon. Instead, she got out as much of the water as she could before putting product in it and running her brush through it quickly.

Not like her father was going to pay enough attention to it to tell whether she had gotten out of the shower five minutes ago or an hour ago. He never wasted his time on such details.

After all, nothing was more important to him than all the work that he did.

Gregory Ashton was one of the best lawyers in the area. Fierce and merciless no matter what case he took on. Maintaining one of the best records for winning cases no matter what was given to him.

His record was almost perfect minus a few early blunders. Nothing though that would be able to tarnish his current reputation though.

HIs job as a high-profile lawyer was the only reason that they were able to afford the rather fancy house they lived in along with all the little unnecessary things that her mother insisted on buying.

Her mother was always telling her that it was important to look and play the part as much as holding the position. A high position in society that was.

Rose always politely listened to whatever her mother had to say about the matter even if she didn't quite agree with the other. There rarely was any reason with the other after all. Her mother thought that she knew best and no one could change her mind.

Unlike her father, she wasn't a lawyer. Instead, she had chosen the position of Public relations. An equally high maintenance job but one that suited her abilities to work well with people. She was good at what she did and felt that it was worth the odd days and long hours she often had to work.

Her brother was likely going to follow after their mom or at least that was her hope. Hence why he often followed around after her even if he didn't really want to.

Her uncle took her father's side and work with the law as a high ranking-police officer. Thankfully, he was hardly ever around. Not that Rose didn't get along with him, she just hated to hear his justice spiels when he said the same thing almost every time he visited.

She only needed to hear it once to have heard it every other hundred times he said it. Just the thought of hearing it again made her feel tired.

That was one for once, she was happy that there was going to be no one else at the dinner table with her. At least not at the start. She could focus on her own things while enjoying the food that Howard had prepared.

Soup and Salad were for dinner along with a rather rustic and appetize chunk of bread. Based on the smell, she could tell that it had some rosemary in it. It was exactly what she needed after the day that she had.

Rose was the last one in her family to figure out what she wanted to do. She was the oldest between her and her brother yet she was still undecided about the path that she would take.

That was what had led her to currently work as a paralegal for one of her father's business partners. It was a decent enough job though she wasn't sure that it was what she wanted to do at the end of the day.

She hadn't decided what to do once she finished with her current degree. Her father had insisted that she at least get a legal degree at the bachelor's level. That way she would have something to fall back on if she couldn't figure out what else she wanted to do right away.

At the current moment in time, most of it was boring to her though. She didn't get to take on any cases. Instead, she spent most of her day going through other files, organizing or transcribing things that lawyers handed over to her. Not like she had expected special treatment being her father's daughter. She had been hoping for something a little different that would give her a better idea if this was the path that she wanted to take.

Rose did enjoy being on the right side of the law, but it wasn't like a lawyer was the only position one could take to do that. There were a number of other jobs that she could take that would allow her to do the same if not more so for people to make sure that they got the justice that they deserved.

She tried to brush these thoughts aside as he looked through the documents that she had laid out on the table in front of her. There were a few things that she needed to through before the morning and figured that the best time would be right now since she was home alone.

The annoying mafioso had taken away some of her precious time that she had been hoping to use to do this earlier thus she was going to have to use her time now to make up for it.

She just had to hope that her father wasn't going to come home and yell at her for working while she ate. He always scolded her about the dangers of ruining important documents while waiting despite the fact that she hardly ever spilled in her life.

Safety was safety he would always tell her. Well, he wasn't around at the current moment in time which meant that she could get away with casting safety aside in favor of doing what she wanted to. At least for tonight.

Plus, she knew that Howard wouldn't tell her father so long as the other didn't see anything.