WebNovelDear Dove13.67%


"Diego, good to see you again." Zane shook the other's hand before motioning him to take a seat.

"So why don't you tell me what you have been up to." The mafioso urged as he took his seat. The brunch had been a last-minute idea on Zane's part. Part of the plan that he was trying to formulate.

"So much to talk about, so little time to do it in." Diego joked, pulling out the chair to take a seat.

"Why don't we start first by you telling me what you wanted to talk about. I have a guess it has something to do with yesterday." A smirk graced the other's face as two mugs of steaming coffee were brought over to their table.

Zane had picked a bagel shop for them to meet up with. A place that was almost halfway between where both sides resided. While a full course meal wasn't entirely out of the question, who could deny the aroma of a well-buttered whole wheat bagel in the morning? There were a few things that Zane allowed himself to indulge in, this was one of them.

"You're not far off. Make your order first though and we'll talk about everything while eating." The waitress who was in charge of taking their orders was patient as Diego waffled over what to get. Too many options could such decisions rather complicated.

"How do you always know what you want to get when you come here?" Diego took a sip of his coffee. Grimacing, he reached for the sugar and dropped a few cubes into the dark liquid. Black coffee was one thing, deathly bitter was another.

"Simple. I always plan out what I want before even coming here. Saves a lot of time and trouble that way." Zane didn't bother with sugar before taking a deep drink from his cup. It was exactly what he needed after all the alcohol from the night before.

"Getting back to business, I wanted more information about that woman I was inquiring about yesterday. She really was around that area yesterday like you said?"

"Of course she was. I have no benefit from lying about such information. The sources come from someone who is very reliable as well." Diego rolled his eyes as the conversation came to a pause with the waitress coming back to deliver the food.

"You wanted information, I got it you as quickly as possible. Whether you chose to believe or not is you." He hardly finished speaking before taking a bite out of his bagel.

"If you want to be absolutely certain yourself, I can give you the information and you can see for yourself." Diego would've pulled his phone out to hand it to Zane if it weren't for the butter coating his fingers.

"It's fine. I believe you and that isn't what I need anyways. I mostly want to know why she was there and what she was doing." Zane chose to attack his own bagel with a fork to avoid getting his fingers messy. It would take longer for the food to travel to his mouth this way but the wait was worth avoiding greasy, grubby fingers.

"Something to do with some case or another. That was what I was told at least. The girl has something to do with the law?" Zane perked up when at this news.

"Something to do with the law? You mean as in she's some kind of officer or something?" Diego shrugged, taking a sip of coffee to clear his pallet.

"Something like that. I didn't bother asking for details since you weren't requesting anything specific. I just know that she had gone there to meet with some family or other to discuss something."

"Can you take the time to find out that information for me? I want to know who exactly she was meeting, why, and what for exactly?" Diego grinned while the other gave him direction.

"Since when have you started to care so much about a girl? Don't tell me you actually find one you might like?" Zane rolled his eyes in response to the teasing.

"Absolutely not. My interest in this girl has nothing to do with such things. I want to be able to use her for something and I need to have the leverage to do that. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Bet me fifty dollars that something comes out of this?" Diego reached his hand out in an attempt to get the mafioso to agree.

"You can bet whatever it is you want. No matter what it is, you're going to come up wrong." The confidence in Zane's tone as he spoke made it clear there was no room to argue. The woman in question was not some love interest. At least not at the current moment in time.

"Very well then. Go ahead and give me her name again and I will see what I can come up with for you."

"Rose Ashton is her name. I have someone else looking into the deep details about her. All I want from you is to find out what she was doing." Zane wrote the name down on a napkin before sliding it across the table to the other.

"Yeah, yeah. You have said that twice now already. I will get you the information that you're looking for. Later on, you will give me what I want when I happen to be right about this." Diego picked up the napkin and crumpled it before putting it into his pocket. Greased smeared all over the delicate paper as not much concern was given to how messy the hand that touched it was.

"I already gave you the answer to that and you're going to be wrong." Zane finished off the rest of his bagel. The butter-soaked bread practically melted in his mouth as he savored the last of it. Pity he didn't have time for another one.

The food was hardly enough to satisfy Zane's appetite as he washed it down with the rest of his coffee. There was one more client waiting which meant that more food would have to wait for another time.