WebNovelDear Dove36.69%


"Mark what a pleasant surprise to see you here." Rose's voice came out strained as she tried to reply in a polite fashion.

"Isn't it indeed? Fancy us meeting in such a nice place at the same time." She felt her skin crawl the moment his hand made contact with her shoulder. 

"Yes, but I would appreciate it if you didn't stick around for too long." Rose did her best to shrug off the offending hand. 

"So soon? We haven't even gotten the chance to start talking. Though it seems like you have company?" Mark's eyes lingered over the barren plate taking space on the seat across from her. 

"That's absolutely right. I am here with my father and-" Rose didn't get to finish as the other became obviously excited. 

"Your father is here with you tonight? I should have put two and two together sooner. How silly of me!" At least the man knew how to laugh at his own Ineptness.