WebNovelDear Dove53.96%

Don't Break Anything

The encounter only provided a momentary point of contentment for Zane before his mind turned back to everything else that he needed to get taken care of. Namely, the little wildflower who seemed to come across as somewhat evasive to the young mafioso.

Zane had dealt with a number of women over the years. Never before though had he met one so quick to shut down his kind gestures and instead be annoyed with them.

Did he somehow misread the kind of person Rose was? Zane thought for certain that breakfast would create a more amicable tense between them. Something that would be easier to work with in the long run.

Instead, it seemed to have the exact opposite intended impact. Rose didn't react as though he were being kind. She treated him more like an unwelcome intrusion to her quiet morning.