Andre seemed much like an eager puppy than Zane Imagined. The moment they stepped outside. His whole personality changed. He relaxed and morphed into something that was more fitting for his age.
"Kid, tell me that you're at least eighteen?" Zane asked the question once they were outside and out of hearing range of anyone else.
"I turned three months ago. Though I've been working there for six." The youth glanced over his shoulder as though to see if anyone was listening.
"That's fine. What about your record before this? What brought you here to take on this kind of job." Zane cleaned his hands off with his handkerchief. It had been some time since he'd done any kind of work like that.
"Do you see anyone you like?" a greasy-looking man with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth came over. Extending his hand for Zane to shake but the later only looked at it.