Once a land of treasure...

Three men, one young and two old, deboarded the carriage halfway down the road. 

The Carriage driver refused to go further when he came to know of their destination. Instead, he advised them with good intentions to rethink their choice of entering the building. 

"Sir, that building is a haunt of ghosts! The previous owner left because he heard voices of people talking in an empty room."

Ikasa became interested in this piece of news. He probed for more information. 

"When did the owner leave?"

"It was a year ago. He began to hear voices a month before that."

Ikasa narrowed his eyes. Knowing the day he left is one thing. But also knowing the time those voices appeared? That was suspicious. 

"You seem to be very knowledgeable about this incident. May I ask why?" 

"Everyone in the City knows the story of this haunted house, Patron. It would be weird if I didn't know."