When the Curtain of Night falls, the Curtain of War opens...

Under the cover of the night, three figures sneaked out of Birch city from the western gates. As soon as they left the City, they sped towards the dark forest. 

Only when they were hidden by the densely packed trees, did they come to a halt. 

"Were we discovered? Did either of you feel like we were being watched?"

Feng Yan asked, checking his surroundings to find the source of his unease. Lu Shao and Gu Dan looked at each other and shook their heads. 

"Our plan was perfect. We mixed in with the dispersing guests of the banquet. I don't think any of our enemies would have seen us."

Lu Shao assuaged Feng Yan. Even as they conversed, they had resumed their journey. The thick foliage of the trees hid the starry sky from their view. Except for a few rays of moonlight shining through the gaps, they were surrounded by darkness.