Why is MC taking so long to sell manuals?

  I have already explained it in the first few chapters. But as seen from your comments, many of you  are unable to understand my vision. So I have written it clearly here. 


1. The names are odd. 

The names of the Manuals are very much different from the names of usual cultivation techniques in the world. This is mentioned in (Chapter 2. These Names!)


2. Appearance

The manuals do not look like the traditional cultivation manuals available in the world. It is mentioned in (Chapter 3. Fake Cultivation Manuals and Chapter 9. Ape's Might Body Forging Technique.)


3. Single Use Manuals

Most of the people of a Third tier City are unaware of Spiritual Imprints, the technology used to make Ikasa's manuals Single Use. Even the rich and affluent do not know this. Hence, they doubt his words more. The only person who knew it in the beginning was Master Jin Ping, the appraiser. 

I have tried to show this by using the contrast between First Customer, the Sword Cultivator and Master Jin Ping.

Obviously, I have not made it clearer if my readers are having trouble seeing my vision. Hope this note clears this point.


4. Cheaper than other manuals

There are two reasons Ikasa is selling his manuals cheaper- 

Firstly, CP and low key.

Ikasa wanted to quickly sell his manuals and get 100 CP so that he could become a Cultivator. Also, if he sells out quicker, he will not draw more attention from other nobles. If word of his manuals spreads, his cheat as well as his life may be in danger. 

Secondly, skewed sense of currency.

Ikasa's manuals are single use as opposed to other manuals that can be used multiple times. So charging half the price of a normal manual for his higher grade manuals seemed reasonable to Ikasa from another world.

[Please note that the Businessman Ikasa only knew the currencies of the world from the Scribe Ikasa's perspective. He didn't know about the large disparity of income between the rich and the commoners. For the Scribe Ikasa, whose income is around 15 Gold per month, 50 Gold was already an enormous sum!] 


5. New product.

His Manuals are different from the norm as mentioned in point 2 and 3. He is basically opening a new market. He thought low price would help him attract customers but it ended up doing the opposite. People though his goods were fake because they had never seen them before. 


6. Why did he not give them out for free in the beginning?

His manuals are High- Grade Manuals, not cabbages on street!  If he gave away precious treasures like the manuals for free openly, he will be able to prove that his manuals are real. But he would also end up dead or locked up in some Prestigious family's dungeon who will try to get their hands on his secret.

These are the reasons for the long wait to sell the First manual.


7. If his manuals are precious why did he sell it for 10 Gold and not continue to auction them?

CP. Ikasa needs more CP to grow strong. Rich could at most give him 100 CP. But Commoners could give him thousands of CP. Because he did not have any other Cultivation manuals, he had to sell the High Grade Manual for cheap to the commoners. 

So, even after earning good sum from the auctions in the market, he decided to reduce the prices to make his manuals popular amongst commoners. That way he can also earn more CP. (Chapter 16. Challenger's Arena) 


I have covered every point mentioned here in the book. Even if it is not mentioned earlier, it is answered later. 

I have only missed the reasons for making manuals cheaper. As a newbie author, I did not know how to make this information dump seem interesting. So, I apologize for that. 

I hope this post answers all your questions. If you still have any problems, please comment here.