Venturing Out

"Is there anything you want to do today?"

Syri closed his eyes in thought as he pondered. Two empty plates and cups were resting on the wheeled stand beside the bed, utensils set on the plates lazily showcasing the satisfying aftermath of a delicious meal. A small smile tugged on the zeta's lips as Syri conjured an idea. "Do you have horses?" The zeta asked bashfully, unsure if his request would be possible to fulfill. A bright smile shined on Syri's face as Jae nodded.

"Yes, we do. Would you like to go for a ride?" Jae inquired, smiling when the zeta hurriedly nodded his head. "Ok. Let's get you changed," the true blood said as he stood from the bed.

Within the hour, Syri was standing in front of the full-length mirror lining a wall in Jae's closet admiring his outfit. He was dressed in a loose-fitting, buttoned-down white shirt with light pants and knee-high leather boots the color of coffee with cream. Jae soon exited wearing a similar get-up that was composed of a darker color palette with charcoal and black.

Syri's eyes widened as he watched the true blood button the cuffs of his riding shirt as he leaned against the door to the closet. The true blood found his eyes wandering to the zeta's eyes that were still lingering on him. Syri cleared his throat as he realized Jae had made eye contact with him and quickly turned his gaze back to the mirror.

"Ready?" Jae asked as he stood straight. Syri brought his eyes back up to Jae before nodding. "Okay. Follow me," Jae said as he turned from the entrance to the closet and began walking across his room. Syri was fast to Jae's side and stuck to the true blood like glue as the two walked down the hallway.

Syri looked around in wonder as Jae led him through the castle. He had yet to see and experience the castle with exception of Jae's room and the hallway. Servants and workers going about their day never failed in stopping in their tracks to bow to the prince. Little Syri often found himself bowing back in confusion as to why people were bowing, evoking a tender smile from the true blood.

The warm, morning sun welcomed the zeta and true blood as Jae led Syri through several courtyards and out into the yards. Syri took a moment to turn around and gawk at the size of the castle looming before him. Jae, sensing the zeta's footsteps slowing, stopped and watched Syri gaze at the place in which he grew up. Once he had taken in as many details as was possible in the ten seconds he lent himself to gawk, Syri turned and, as his eyes were momentarily blinded from the bright sky, ran into the broad chest of the prince.

"Oh?" Syri let out a small, confused sound as he backed away a few paces. The zeta rubbed his forehead as his eyes adjusted. They were only to widen, however, as he saw the chest of the true blood before him. "Oh, sorry," Syri apologized as he looked up at Jae with an embarrassed expression.

"It's alright," Jae chuckled lightly. "Do you like it?"

"Huh?" Syri squinted his eyes as he looked up, the sun shining behind the prince brightly.

"The castle. Do you like it?" Jae gestured to his home.

"Oh, yes! Very much! It is a beautiful building," Syri responded as he turned once more to admire the castle.

"My Prince!" A strong voice called, drawing the true blood and zeta's attention. The two looked to see a man approaching them with wide strides. A smile appeared on Jae's face as he saw his steed's caretaker.

"Jon!" Jae called back in greeting as the man neared.

"I haven't seen ya around these parts in a good while! How are ya?" Jon inquired energetically. Syri squinted as he looked up at the broad man. He seemed to be in his mid-forties, but he was still quite strong, the evidence being the well-defined arms and broad neck. Strokes of grey highlighted his hair and beard, and wrinkles surrounded his eyes, adding to the sincerity of his smile. He had had a life under the sun filled with labor, but he was a happy man nonetheless.

"I am well, thank you. How are you, Jon?" Jae answered.

"I'm good, as always. What can I do for ya today? Looking for Ajax?"

Jae nodded. "I thought I might be able to find him in the yards," the prince responded as he scanned the wide, green fields spread across the south side of the castle.

"I haven't seen him since morning, but I'd bet he'd come if ya call," Jon said as he set his hands on his hips and joined Jae in scanning the fields.

"I'll do that. Thanks, Jon."

"Anytime. Is there anything else I can do for ya?"

Jae nodded his head. "We're good, thank you."

"Of course," Jon bowed in respect before turning and striding towards the third courtyard where the stables were located. Jon sneaked one peak at the pink-haired male with the prince before continuing on his way. The man was curious as to who the male was, but if the prince did not introduce his guest, Jon had no right to inquire, so he went on his way to continue his work.