Riding Free

The sound of racing hooves resounded over the fields in response to the prince's call. Jae turned his eyes, now their midnight black, and looked toward the source of the racing hooves. "Are you alright?" Jae asked the zeta while turning to check on him once he had confirmed the approach of Ajax.

Syri nodded up at the true blood holding him tenderly, before turning his head to observe the black steed racing toward its master. Jae lowered his hand from around Syri's waist as Ajax neared. Stepping in front of the zeta, Jae raised his hand, against which the black steed pressed his head in greeting.

"Hiya, buddy," Jae spoke to the steed softly. Ajax nuzzled Jae's hand in response, bringing a small smile to the true blood's lips. It had been several weeks since Ajax had been summoned by the prince. "Want to pet him?" Jae asked Syri, who was standing completely still with wide eyes.

The small zeta slowly nodded his head as he came out of his daze. He had never seen a creature so magnificent. Jae held out his free hand, which Syri took, and carefully led the zeta to stand beside him. Once in range of Ajax, Jae guided Syri's hand next to his before replacing his hand with the zeta's on Ajax's nuzzle. The steed let out a small snort in reaction to the new touch and scent of the zeta. Ajax had never met a zeta and was enthralled by the foreign scents.

Syri let out a small sound as he began to gently stroke the fascinating beast. Ajax was a captivating creature. From a distance, one would assume he was a stallion, however, the steed had fur that of a black wolf, piercing blue eyes that of a delta wolf, and a tail and ears of a wolf. Aside from these aspects, Ajax was no different from the esteemed stallions.

"He's beautiful," Syri commented in awe of the creature as he continued to stroke its nuzzle.

"Would you like to ride him?"

Syri looked up at the prince in shock. "But he's so big. I'll fall right off!"

"I'll be right behind you. You'll be okay," Jae assured the wide-eyed zeta.

"...Ok...but...how do I get on?" Jae asked shyly. He did not know anything of rider's etiquette.

"I'll teach you," Jae smirked. Heat rose to the zeta's cheeks as the true blood moved behind him and held his waist. "First, you approach from the left," Jae instructed as he maneuvered Syri to stand on the left of Ajax. "Next, grab a hold of his mane with your left hand..." While Syri grabbed a handful of Ajax's mane, Jae knelt to one knee, "...step on here with your left foot..." Jae gestured to the thigh of his bent leg, "...hop up and swing your right leg over his back."

Syri followed Jae's instructions to the tee and was soon sitting on Ajax's bareback. The zeta gawked in awe as he watched Jae back up a few steps, grab ahold of the mane, and take a small step and jump before swinging himself to sit behind Syri. Syri tightened his grip around the mane as Jae reached around him and gave Ajax a few reassuring pats before getting a good hold on the creature's mane.

"Ready?" Jae asked. The prince's proximity startled the zeta; Syri did not realize just how close Jae was. The prince's chest was practically flushed against the zeta's back. Syri took a breath and swallowed before nodding his head in response. "Ok, here we go. Hold on," Jae said before clicking his tongue and tapping his heels into Ajax's side.

Ajax let out a snort and began trotting through the fields upon his master's prompts. Syri gazed around in wonder as Jae led them through the fields, to the edge of the forest, and around the castle. The sun was high in the sky, illuminating the world like Syri had never seen before. Everything was radiant; the wind was perfect, and the colors were popping against the vast blue sky.

As Syri grew more confident, his position and stature loosened to show he was becoming comfortable. Soon, the zeta let go of Ajax's mane and was taking in every detail. He wanted to remember every blade of grass flowing in the wind, each cloud in the sky, and every flower blooming on the side of the roads weaving through the fields. The warm sun felt so good on his skin. The feel of Jae's muscular form just behind him, the song of birds floating through the sky, and the constant rhythm of Ajax's trot, all of it was perfect. It really was a perfect moment.

"Would you like to go faster?" Jae's voice sounded next to Syri's ear, sending tingles down the zeta's spine. Syri had yet to get used to the prince's deep, honey-filled voice. And he did not know if it was even possible to get used to it. It was just too...entrancing and...comforting. If he could box up Jae's voice and place it in a locket to wear next to his heart and listen to it all day and all night, Syri thought that would surely be what true happiness would be like.

Realizing he had yet to respond, Syri pulled himself from his trance and responded, "Yes, I would love to go faster." Syri could almost hear Jae smile as he felt the prince's breath on his neck briefly as the man pulled away to prompt Ajax. With two clicks of the tongue and two taps to the side, Ajax picked up his pace, and, soon, they were galloping through the lush fields.