
The sun had set when Syri opened his eyes. The zeta's head throbbed as he sat up. Syri brought a hand to the back of his head to feel a welp and winced as he lifted his head to look around. A fog clouded Syri's mind, making the zeta shake his head only to increase the pain in the spot where he was knocked unconscious.

Fear struck the zeta's heart as he opened his eyes to complete darkness. Memories from the basement flooded the zeta's mind, and he began to hyperventilate as the trauma set in. 'No, no, no. I can't be back there!' The clinking of a chain around the zeta's neck accompanied Syri's movements as he frantically looked around for a source of light.

"Syri?" A voice sounded from the back right corner of the dark room.

"Estan?" Syri responded as he recognized the gamma's voice. The zeta's heartbeat began to level out when he heard Estan's voice. He was not alone. He had found his friend. Syri could now focus on getting out instead of drowning in his trauma. He had a goal.

"Oh, thank God." The gamma let out a breath of relief as he heard the zeta's response. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Estan's voice was filled with concern as he inquired on the zeta's health.

"I'm okay. I have a welt from where they knocked me out, but I am fine other than that."

"That's good, then." A few moments of silence passed before Estan asked, "Wait...why did they knock you out?"

"I wouldn't submit."


Syri's eyes widened as he realized why Estan asked, "Inso, did they...did they made you submit?" Syri's eyes began to tear up as he realized what the alphas did to the gamma. Knowing the pain of being forced to submit, Syri was furious. "Bastards."

A sniffle sounded from Estan's corner. The gamma was also tearing up, but it was for a different reason. "Did...did you call me 'inso'?"

"Yeah...Is that alright? May I call you inso?"

Estan nodded and smiled. "Of course. I'd love that."

Silence filled the room for a few moments before Syri inquired on the gamma's health. "Are you alright, Inso? Did they hurt you when they made you submit?"

Estan was quiet as he pondered whether or not to answer truthfully. The gamma decided to answer with the truth as he knew Syri would be furious once the sun rose. Estan opened his lips and let out a breath before answering quietly, "Yeah...but I'm alright. Don't worry about me, Syri."

Estan's words brought tears to the zeta's eyes. If the sun had been out, Syri would have seen the bruises and cuts covering the gamma's arms and face.

"Who are they?" The zeta inquired into the darkness.

"I'm not sure. I think they are a trafficking ring. I've heard reports about low-ranks going missing, but they were all from the east. This area should have been safe..." Sniffles could be heard after a pause. "I'm so sorry, Syri. I was supposed to keep you safe."

"It's okay, Inso. We'll get out," Syri reassured the crying gamma. "Have you contacted Yejin?"

"I've tried, but they gave me perliph. I haven't been able to link anyone."

'Ahh. That explains why Inso seems to be a bit hazy.' "It's alright. Perliph wears off. We can contact them once it does."

"Mm. Let's do that," Estan agreed. "Speaking of, you haven't linked me yet," Estan spoke as he leaned against the stone wall.

"Ohhh. About that...I haven't been able to link anyone except for...Jisue. I don't know why, but I have never been able to use the pack or family link."

"That's weird."

"Yeah. It may be because of what I am." Syri reached his hand around and found a wall about a foot behind him. Scooting his butt, he was able to reach the wall and leaned against it. Syri closed his eyes as it was pitch black in the room and let out a breath as his body relaxed. 'I have definitely been drugged with that perliph thing. My mind is so hazy I can barely think.'

"Mm. That is a possibility. Though, I have not heard that about zetas before. But, then again, not much is known about your kind."

"Yeah. I would also like to know more about zetas."

Both the gamma and zeta's words were slow as the drug impacted their cognitive skills. "I have a book in my office back at the castle that has every known fact on zetas. You are welcome to read it when we get back."

Normally, this news would have made Syri bounce with joy, but the drugged zeta just nodded his head and said, "Thank you. It is very much appreciated."

"Anytime," Estan answered slowly. "You know, Syri..."

"Hmm?" The zeta sounded when the gamma trailed off.

"We are soooo drugged. I think they gave us wayy to big of a dose."

"Mm-hmm," the zeta agreed.

"They need to be careful with that, or they may end up killing us before they get a chance to get any profit."


A few moments of silence passed before Estan voiced, "Hey, Syri..."


"Is this what it's like to be high?"

Syri opened his eyes and squinted them as his brain slowly registered the gamma's question. "I don't know. I've never been high."

"Me neither. That's why I was wondering."

"If it is, I would not recommend it. Stay away from drugs."

"Agreed. I heard they taste bad, anyway."

"Which ones, the flowers or the mushrooms?"



Syri closed his eyes again and was beginning to drift asleep as the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears. The clinking of a chain could be heard as Estan sat up straight. Light seeped beneath the door as the party of kidnappers neared the room.

"Syri, whatever happens, do not let them know you are not an omega," Estan voiced in a desperate whisper as the door was unlocked and the handle turned.

Inso - term for older brother/male figure

Perliph - Herb that puts one's wolf to sleep and dampens one's ability to link another werewolf. It also dampens a werewolf's ability to heal, smell, hear, see, and walk. It makes one docile and is often used to restrain unstable wolves.