There Is Only One Who Can Help Him

"Why don't you two stay the night at our place?" Estan proposed to the rho as the two walked down the path leading to the cabin located just outside the village Alia. Estan noticed the hesitation in the rho, so he continued, "I am a doctor. Rosie needs medical attention, and so do you." The gamma had seen the gash on the upper portion of Breton's right arm which had been dealt to the rho during the battle.

"Thank you, Estan..." Brenton began.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then," the gamma smiled; he did not give the rho time to decline his offer. The sun had just begun to show its rays through the trees, and Estan knew that Brenton must have pursued the traffickers endlessly the past few days and was exhausted.

A smile formed on Brenton's lips as the rho looked down at the male in his arms before replying, "Very well. We appreciate your kindness."

"Not at all," Estan responded as he looked back at the sleeping girl hugging his neck with a soft expression.

After about twenty minutes of walking, the four came upon a narrow pathway branching off the main road. Flowers lined the path which led to a wide, open grove with a humble cabin located toward the center. Flowers sprinkled the ground of the grove and decorated the perimeter of the cabin. Sounds of flowing water accompanied a brook that ran parallel to the cabin at the edge of the grove and disappeared into the forest.

Brenton took a moment to gaze at the beautiful grove and homely cabin before following Estan down the flower-lined path and to the door of the cabin. The gamma reached his left arm to his back to steady Rosie as he bent down and lifted a flower pot stationed in front of the door to reveal a single key.

"Those darn alphas took our packs, but thankfully, we have a spare," Estan said as he picked up the key and unlocked the door. "Welcome to our humble abode," the gamma welcomed his guests as he walked through the door. The gamma carefully set Rosie on the sofa in the main room before striking a match and lighting the lamps stationed on the walls and tables throughout the common area.

"You can set Syri next to Rosie," Estan instructed the rho who had continued to stand with the zeta in his arms. Brenton complied with Estan's wishes and gently set Syri next to his sleeping sister before turning to the gamma who had grabbed a bucket. "Would you fill this with water from the stream? I want to clear up all the dust before transferring them to the rooms," Estan requested as he extended the bucket to the rho.

Brenton nodded and took the bucket before exiting the door and walking down to the brook.

Estan let out a breath as he bent down next to the sofa and placed his hand on Syri's forehead. The zeta let out a pained moan at the gamma's touch. Estan stood to his feet when he heard the moan and looked to see the zeta's brows furrowed. The gamma's heart broke as he watched a sweat break out on Syri's temple. 'He must be tormenting him again.' Estan took Syri's hand in his and began to emit as many calming pheromones as the gamma could muster.

"I'm so sorry, Syri. Jae is doing everything he can to make sure you don't have to suffer anymore," Estan spoke softly as he ran his fingers through the zeta's pink hair before standing to his feet and checking on the female sitting next to Syri.

Estan nodded his head as he felt Rosie's pulse was strong and stable. The gamma then tied a cloth around his nose and mouth before beginning to dust the cabin.

Footsteps preceded Brenton entering through the door with a bucket filled with water. Estan instructed the rho to place the bucket on the table before wetting a rag and beginning to wipe the dust off the table.

"Thank you," the gamma said as the rho grabbed a cloth and tied it over his nose and mouth.

Brenton nodded in response before looking at the two on the couch. Quiet moans reached the rho's ears as he saw Syri's head turn in discomfort. The rho took the cloth off before rushing to the zeta and checking his temperature. "What is wrong? Is he alright?" Brenton asked with concern.

"He will live, although he is in a lot of pain right now," the gamma answered the rho.

"Can we not help him?" Brenton inquired as he looked at the zeta with worry.

"There's only one person who can help him," Estan informed the rho with a defeated expression.


"The one who saved him."

"Where is this person? Where can I find them?" Brenton asked as he stood up straight.

"He is hunting the one who is doing this to Syri and is stopping him from hurting Syri ever again," Estan answered truthfully. "You will not find him. He is in a whole other world."

Brenton furrowed his brows as he pondered Estan's response. Before the rho could make anything from Estan's words, the gamma said, "What you can do now for Syri is help me clean this place." The rho turned his gaze from the zeta on the sofa to the gamma standing by the table as Estan said, "Syri will wake up when he has his strength back. He will be alright."

Brenton looked at the zeta once more before turning to Estan and nodding his head. "What do you need me to do?"

'That's more like it.' Estan smiled at the rho approvingly as he gestured to the living room. "Clean this place up while I tend to your sister."