The Delegation Party

Jae released a small breath as he stood before the two large doors that led into the King's Hall. The prince gave a small nod to the guards standing on either side of the doors once he had gained his composure. Yejin stayed just behind Jae and to the prince's right as the alpha followed the true blood into the hall. The members of the council had already assembled and stood to their feet as the prince walked to the end of the hall.

Yejin remained standing as Jae took his seat to the left of his father. The luna occupied the seat to the Alpha's right. The king did not greet his son before commencing the meeting.

"Why have the intruders not been eliminated as of this moment?" The king inquired in a low growl. He had zero tolerance for unannounced rogues roaming about his property.

"They were a delegation team, Alpha," Jae responded when the hall remained silent.

"A delegation team that did not call for permission to pass, which makes them unannounced intruders! They should have been eliminated on the spot!" The king bellowed without turning to face his son.

"They are wolves of Black Moon," Armina intervened. The luna's voice seemed to calm the alpha to an extent. "Black Moon is the second largest pack in the eastern region," the luna added. "I am sure you understand my words."

The king pondered for a moment as his temper cooled. "What do you propose we do, Armina?" The alpha inquired of his mate as he turned to face the luna.

Armina's face remained cold and distant as she replied, "Send delegation parties to White Fang and Black Moon and inform them we are currently holding the intruders. If White Fang denies they were the party's destination, we will know whether or not Black Moon is lying and has other intentions." The luna's voice was curt and professional. She was merely performing her duties as Luna.

The king nodded in agreement as he processed the queen's advice. "Very well. We will send delegations to both White Fang and Black Moon and see if they are accepted. Let us hope White Fang verifies the intruders' story. If not, I shall be very put out."

The council members bowed their heads as they accepted the king's orders.

"Now, bring me to the prisoners. I want to see for myself the wolves who dared cross my territory without proper dues," the alpha said in a growl as he stood to his feet.

Jae also rose to his feet and followed his father and mother out of the hall with Yejin just behind him. The alpha and luna's right hands stuck close to their leaders as the group traveled down the corridor that led to the hall and made their way down to the dungeons.

Fire-lit torches lined the stone walls of the underground portion of the castle. A jumble of keys clinked and clacked on the waist of the jailor as he led the six down the dim corridors and several flights of steps until they came upon a hallway lined with cells. The jailor led the alpha to the larger cell stationed at the end where the five intruders were kept.

The five werewolves lifted their heads to look at their visitors only to quickly lower them when they felt the dominating presence of Crimson Night's alpha.

"So these are the rogues who intruded onto my territory," the alpha growled as his eyes trailed over the five cowering prisoners and scrutinized each of them.

"W-w-we are n-not rogues," the leader of the delegation party spoke up quite pathetically.

A snarl left the alpha in response to the prisoner questioning his statement. "What are you if not disrespectful, conniving bastards?" The alpha's voice was saturated with disdain and contempt as he inquired of the werewolf who had spoken up. Silence followed the king's inquiry, extracting a scoff from the alpha. "You are nothing more than cowards with a powerful pack to back you. Let's see if they still want you now that you have been caught."

Jae's brows furrowed as he observed the five quivering supposed delegates. They were being too quiet and complacent for a delegation party. If they had done no wrong and were truly sent as a delegation to White Fang, they should have been fighting for their lives and pleading to be set free so they could complete their delegation.

Past delegation teams that had been caught on a pack's land without going through the proper dues were often running against time to complete their delegation and merely could not afford to waste a second, so they crossed a pack's territory for the sake of their mission. When they were caught, they would apologize immensely and would promise to return to the pack with proper compensation for their disrespect before being released to continue their delegation.

These wolves, however, were remaining silent and were not apologizing for their disrespect. Neither were they begging to continue their delegation. These factors created great suspicion in Jae as he watched the wolves shudder in fear. They acted as if they had been caught doing something they were not supposed to be doing.

"You will remain here until an answer has been received from either White Fang or Black Moon," the king addressed the five before turning on his heel. "Don't not even think of trying to escape. It is futile," the alpha added with a growl before leaving the cell and storming down the dimly-lit corridor.

Jae knit his brows as he looked at the five once more before following his mother away from the cell and out of the dungeon. 'Something is wrong. They are no normal delegation team. What are they really here for?'