Inquiries Over Dinner

Brenton let out a small chuckle as he watched the zeta gaze up at the golden rays stretching through the trees and into the grove. It was as if Syri was experiencing the woods for the first time again. The rho felt his heart skip as he gazed at the small male walking beside him with wide eyes.

A delicious aroma wafted to the pair as they made their way to the cabin. Brenton held the door open for Syri, and the two promptly took off their shoes upon entering the abode. Brenton and Syri watched with wide eyes as Estan glided around the kitchen finishing the preparations for dinner and were just as wide-eyed when the gamma set the marvelous spread on the dining table.

A small laugh left the zeta as Syri saw the flour covering Estan's face and arms. "Heyyyy, respect the art of cuisine. If it's not messy, it's not good." Estan's lips pursed as he defended himself from the giggling zeta. "Thank you," the gamma said as he accepted a damp cloth from the rho.

"Sorry," Syri apologized through another laugh before going over to the cabinets and retrieving three sets of dishes. Brenton was quick to help the zeta set the table while Estan wiped the flour from his face.

It was not long before the three were seated at the small table and enjoying the hot, fresh meal of braised duck, roasted potato, and a selection of vegetables.

"Waaa, Inso, this is delicious!" Syri exclaimed as he took a bite of the honey-braised duck.

Estan smiled at the adorable zeta, happy that his cooking had been approved. Cute hums and quiet exclaims floated from the zeta as the three enjoyed their meal.

"How is Rosie?" The gamma inquired toward the conclusion of the meal.

Brenton finished his bite before answering, "She is healed, but she hasn't smiled much yet." A sadness filled the rho's eyes as he continued, "I am doing my best to be there for her, but I have been busy with work."

"You being there for her is exactly what Rosie needs right now," Estan stated kindly. "I am sure you are helping more than you know."

"Where is Rosie?" Syri inquired after swallowing his last bite.

"She is staying with a friend for a few days. I have been busy hunting and am hoping being with Charlie will help Rosie," Brenton explained as he set down his utensils.

"Rosie is always free to stay with us when you are busy," Estan offered as he, too, set down his utensils.

"Thank you," the rho nodded shortly in thanks toward the gamma.

"Of course. It is the least we could do," the gamma responded.

A moment of silence passed as little Syri continued to eat quietly until Brenton spoke up, "I don't mean to intrude on your lives or pry, but why are you two here? You clearly don't belong in a small town like Alia."

Syri sucked in this breath and swallowed as his eyes trailed to Estan. The gamma inhaled shortly before opening his lips to speak. "My, uh, mate is busy patrolling the border and thought Syri and I could use a break from the business of life," Estan described as he tried to keep his story similar to that as the one he told Brenton when they first met. The gamma saw the rho look from him to Syri with questioning eyes, so he continued, "Syri and I are cousins. Syri has yet to meet his mate, so he has no ties back in our home town. And we thought it would be a great opportunity to visit Alia since my mate is busy."

Syri's eyes narrowed as he realized just how nervous Estan was. Knowing the gamma, the zeta knew Estan was uncomfortable answering the rho's question, so Syri decided to do something about it. "Is there anything else you would like to know?" Syri's voice was not harsh, but it was firm as he addressed the rho. Syri sat up straight and slanted his lids as he waited for the rho's reply.

Estan looked at the zeta with slight surprise. The gamma did not know Syri could be this protective and was relieved that the zeta could fend for himself. Brenton pursed his lips as he replied, "I apologize for my impudence."

An awkward chuckle left the gamma when he realized how harsh Syri's words sounded. "Not at all. We appreciate your honesty. I would be wary of someone who suddenly showed up in my home town as well," Estan responded.

"So what about you? You clearly don't belong in a place like Alia," Syri voiced, using the rho's question to inquire of Brenton.

"Ah...well, you are correct. Rosie and I are not originally from Alia. We moved here a couple of years ago when our parents passed. We have an older brother, but he is not in our lives anymore," the rho explained in response to the zeta's inquiry.

"I see," Estan responded. "Is there anything else you would like to know?" The gamma inquired of the rho softly. He wanted to break the awkward ice that had formed between the three after Syri's defensive response.

The rho shook his head and looked down. "I realize how sudden the questions were. I am sorry."

"Don't worry about it," Estan smiled at the hazel-eyed man kindly.

The rho nodded in understanding as he lifted his head. The man's eyes lit up as he thought of a cordial, non-prying question to break the ice. "You mentioned you were just visiting Alia. Do you know how long you plan to stay?"

The gamma pursed his lips as he pondered his response. "Until my mate is done with his duties," Estan answered confidently as it was the truth.

"I see," the rho responded with a small nod. "I hope your time in Alia is good and refreshing."

"Thank you. We hope so, too," Estan replied for both himself and the zeta, who had remained silent.

The rho let out a breath and nodded in response before standing to his feet. "Thank you for dinner," Brenton said to Estan as he began collecting the plates from the table and brought them to the bin stationed next to the counter that was filled with soap water.

"You can just let them soak," the gamma told the rho as he and Syri also stood to their feet. The gamma and zeta began to make a batch of coffee as Brenton wiped down the table.