Love and Friendship

The theta smiled softly as his mate happily devoured the peanut butter dipped apples. "How do you feel?" Haikon asked as he sat next to Xander on their bed in their room in the castle. Xander had been released from the clinic earlier that day and had been okayed by Estelle to complete his recovery in his and Haikon's room in the castle as long as he had daily check-ups with the gamma.

"Like I want to escape the castle," Xander replied with a sigh as he looked around the room. The delta and theta's room was by no means stuffy or suffocating, but the delta wanted to run free and move about as he pleased.

A soft chuckle escaped the theta as he gazed down at his mate. "I'm sure you will be running around in no time," Haikon told the delta before planting a sweet kiss on the top of Xander's head.

Xander released an exasperated breath while nodding his head. "Thank you for the apples," the delta said after a moment as he smiled up at the theta.

"Is there anything else you would like?" Haikon inquired as he sat behind the delta and wrapped his arms Xander's waist.

"Mmmm," the delta sounded as the two began to slowly rock from side to side. "Jerky?" The delta's voice raised in pitch toward the end as he stated his craving.

"Sounds delicious," Haikon agreed as he rested his chin on Xander's shoulder before planting a kiss on the mark on the delta's neck.

Tingles ran down Xander's spine as Haikon's lips grazed past his ear. "On second thought, jerky can wait," the delta's voice was low as he turned around in the theta's arms and straddled Haikon's lap.

"You sure about this?" Haikon asked as the delta draped his arms around the theta's neck. "How's your side?"

"I'm fine, babe. I could be running around right now if it weren't for Estelle's orders," Xander assured his mate as his eyes trailed down to the theta's parted lips. "We don't have to go all the way."

"Trust me, we can't go all way just yet. But..." Xander let out a small gasp as Haikon carefully flipped the delta to lie on his back. The delta's eyes became hooded as his mate hovered over him. "I can still make you feel good," Haikon voiced lowly as his eyes flitted to Xander's plump lips.

Xander placed his hand on Haikon's rippled chest and slid his fingers beneath the theta's shirt, running his hand up to Haikon's shoulder. The theta complied with the delta's request and removed his shirt, revealing his elegant muscles and silky skin. A moan escaped Xander as Haikon pressed his lips to the base of the delta's neck. Xander's eyes closed as he craned his neck into the bed and cradled Haikon's head.

"Tell me if it's too much," Haikon said with a low voice as he nipped at his mate's ear.

"It's never too much," Xander returned between breaths, extracting a smirk from the theta. Before long, Haikon had removed Xander's shirt, leaving the delta exposed from the waist up. The two mates' moans and breaths filled the room as they continued to love each other gently.


The sun hung just above the edge of the horizon as the true blood walked up to the northern gate. Team 1 had already gathered and bowed to the prince as he came to a stop ten feet before them. Jae nodded to the team's leader in greeting as he sensed Yejin approaching him. The prince turned to face the alpha as Yejin reached him.

Now that everyone had arrived, the prince addressed Team 1. "Boost link me when you have reached the borders of White Fang. Be swift and alert at all times. This mission is crucial to Crimson Night's relations with both White Fang and Black Moon. I trust you know the weight of the orders given to you. I wish you safe travels. You may now depart. May the moon goddess be with you."

"Ae!" The five members called out as they bowed to their prince in reply. Jae and Yejin stood sill as they watched the five shift into their wolf forms. Once the gate was fully opened, the five wolves set out on their delegation mission to White Fang, leaving Jae and Yejin alone in the northern courtyard.

"Is anyone in the yard?" Jae inquired of the captain of the guard as he watched the gate close.

The alpha remained silent for a moment as he quickly linked his soldiers and told them to clear the yard. After making sure the soldiers that had stayed late to train had left the yard, Yejin answered, "It's empty."

"Up for a round or two?" Jae inquired of his friend.

Yejin nodded as he said, "I'm down." It had been a while since the true blood and alpha had sparred each other, so Yejin was ready to help his friend blow off some steam.

Upon hearing Yejin's response, Jae set off for the yard. The two remained quiet as they crossed the several courtyards that separated them from the training yard. The sun had set by the time the alpha and true blood reached the southern side of the palace, the yard being lit by moonlight and fire-filled barrels that lined the perimeter. The two men removed their shirts as they entered the training grounds, their rippled chests being beautifully defined by the cool moonlight and sharp shadows.

The two each grabbed a roll of cloth from the supply bins situated near the entrance and wrapped their fists and wrists before walking to the section of earth designated for sparring. The true blood rolled his head from side to side to stretch his neck while the alpha rolled his shoulders to loosen his body. Yejin released a small breath as he readied his fists and entered a starting position. The true blood's raven hair hung in his face as he prepared to start.

'Three.' Jae began through their link.

'Two.' Yejin responded.
