Good Intentions

"Slow down a bit, Syri!" Brenton called after the zeta who had increased his speed and was near to a gallop. It had been one week since the zeta had begun riding lessons, and he had already become quite proficient. The rho let out a breath and shook his head as he flicked Geneth's reins to increase his speed and followed the adventurous zeta farther into the valley.

Syri's face was filled with a wide smile as he clacked his heels into Dyren's side gently, indicating he wished to speed up to a gallop. The white steed complied with the zeta's request and quickened his pace. Soon, the zeta was racing into the wind with a worried rho following to make sure he was alright. The zeta let out a whoop as he rode over the soft hills and chased the feeling he felt when he rode with Jae.

After a few minutes of galloping through the valley, Syri pulled on the reins and slowed Dyren's pace to a trot, allowing the rho to catch up.

"Are you alright?" Brenton inquired of the zeta as he pulled up next to the white steed.

Syri nodded excitedly in response. "That was fun!" The zeta's face was bright as he looked at the rho who sighed with relief.

"You were going pretty fast back there. I'm impressed," Brenton commented on the zeta's riding skills as the two slowed to a lazy step-by-step walk.

"Thank you," Syri beamed as he patted Dyren's neck.

"Be careful to not go too fast, though. You still need some practice before going to higher speeds," the rho warned the zeta.

Syri nodded in understanding but answered with, "Don't worry. Dyren would not do anything that I am not ready for."

"That's good. I'll have to thank him. At least one of you has sense." The rho's words caused the zeta to let out a light laugh as he continued to give the white steed some well-deserved affection.

The two came to a stop as the sun neared its midway position in the blue sky. Clouds floated throughout the sky, lessening the harshness of the summer sun as the rho and zeta dismounted and found the peak of a hill on which to rest before heading back. The zeta let out a short sigh as he sat down and leaned back on his elbows; the rho did the same. Soon, the two had their eyes closed and were enjoying the beautiful day.

A soft breeze blew past the two and wafted the zeta's scent past the rho's sensitive nose. The rho knit his eyes as he noticed a change in the zeta's scent. "Your scent has changed," Brenton commented, breaking the silence between the two.

"What do you mean?" Syri asked as he opened his eyes and looked toward the man beside him.

The rho thought for a second before answering, "It's sweeter. Like, a lot sweeter."

"Oh, that's because the scent is wearing off," Syri answered quietly as he looked at his feet. He was not the biggest fan of losing the only trace he had of the true blood.

"Scent?" Brenton inquired as he turned to look at the zeta.

"One of my friends scented me since I am unmated as a means of protection."

"Seems like a nice friend," the rho commented as he pondered whether to inquire about such friend's status. After contemplating for a few moments, Brenton decided to go for it. He had undoubtedly fallen for the little 'omega' and was curious if there were any other unmated wolves in Syri's life. "Is your friend mated?" Brenton was slow to inquire about Syri's friend as he knew it was a rather personal question. But, he wanted to grow closer to the zeta, so he decided to risk his luck.

Syri remained silent in response to Brenton's inquiry, causing the rho to shift his feet uncomfortably. 'Did I cross a line?'

The zeta opening his mouth to speak paused the rho's shifting as Syri answered, "No, he is not mated."

"Ah," Brenton nodded his head in reply. The rho silently released a breath of relief when Syri answered the personal question. "How did you two meet?"

Silence one again answered the rho. Brenton waited patiently for the zeta to determine whether or not to answer. After a moment, Syri pursed his lips before replying, "I was running through the woods, and J-...he found me." Syri was careful to not disclose Jae's name as he answered the rho's second personal question.

Brenton knit his brows as he heard the zeta's reply. "Why were you running in the woods? Was someone chasing you?"

This time, not only was Brenton answered with silence, but he was also answered with Syri standing to his feet and walking over to Dyren. The zeta had decided to not answer any more personal questions. "We need to get you back, so you can see Rosie," Syri stated as he mounted Dyren. The zeta's expression was serious as he prepared to ride back to the cabin.

Brenton got the cue and stood to his feet. The rho did not push any further as he, too, mounted and began leading the zeta back the way they had come. The two remained silent for the rest of the ride as they made their way over the rolling hills and through the valley.