The Zeta And The Vorst

Syri let out a small huff as he realized there was no way he would be able to get the man to let him leave with Ajax. 'I don't want to leave you here alone, though. Jae would be worried about you.' As if in response to Syri's thought, Ajax lifted his head sharply and jerked the reins from the worker's hands. The zeta watched with wide eyes as the massive steed sauntered over to him and nuzzled the top of his head before turning to look at the stable worker quite judgingly.

Ajax snorted sharply as he glared at the worker. 'Thank you for not wanting to leave me alone, Zeta.' Syri's eyes widened to the size of saucers as he looked up at the steed towering over him. For a split second, Syri had completely forgotten about his ability to talk to steeds. The zeta had not realized he could also talk to vorsts.

'Y-you're welcome...Ajax.' Syri was still stunned as he responded to the vorst.

"Okay, so he definitely knows you. You can have him, just don't blame me if his owner comes back and is furious. I am pointing him straight to you, Omega," the worker said as he shrugged his shoulders and turned around to tend to his other duties.

Syri shook his head at the worker before turning to look at Ajax. The vorst was much larger than Dyren; Syri doubted he could mount Ajax without a boost even though the beast was saddled and reined.

'Shall we go?' Ajax's voice was soft as he addressed the zeta after watching the man leave.

'I have to find my friend. Is it alright if we go to Alia before heading back?' Syri inquired of the vorst politely.

'Of course. The prince will not return until after a few days.'

Syri's brows crinkled at the vorst's response. 'What do you mean?'

Ajax paused for a moment before he answered. 'He was in quite a hurry to leave; he had important matters to tend to. Don't worry, he shall be fine.'

'Ahh. Thank you for telling me.' Syri smiled up at the steed with gratitude as he began to walk beside the massive beast. 'Do you happen to know the way to Alia?' Syri inquired of the vorst as the two started down the street.

'I do. Shall I lead the way?'

'Please.' Syri inclined his head respectfully as he responded to the vorst.

'Very well. Follow me, Zeta.' Syri was grateful to the vorst as he trailed beside the large beast as the two made their way through the crowd milling about the town.

The vorst and zeta walked in silence as they continued through the village. A line of refugees entering the town from the direction of Alia began to trickle into Gern as the two reached the town's square. Syri furrowed his brows as he watched the trail of refugees enter the square. The zeta's sensitive hearing picked up numerous whispers as he and Ajax came to a stop.

"The whole town is gone." "Alia is lost." "Several were lost." "What do we do now?" "We have nothing."

Despair and hopelessness covered the faces of those from Alia. Syri stopped a younger woman in the square and frantically inquired, "Is this everyone from Alia? What happened?"

The woman looked at the zeta with distant eyes as she answered, "Alia was taken by the fire. Nothing remains. Everyone who survived is here in Gern."

Syri felt his heart drop at the woman's words. The zeta's eyes glistened as he looked at the displaced families. We have to find Estan. Syri's voice was stern as he addressed the vorst. 'Will you help me find him? He is Jae's friend.'

'I know Estan. I will aid you.' Ajax lifted his head as he scoured the crowd. The vorst stood nineteen hands from his *withers, so he easily surpassed even the taller alphas in the crowd. 'Estan is not here.' Ajax lowered his head as he completed searching the many faces. Syri's heart ached at the vorst's words.

'Estan, where are you??' The zeta's mind called for the gamma, but he was not able to link his friend no matter how hard he tried. He had only been able to link one person all his life: his fated mate Jisue. Tears touched Syri's eyes as he searched the crowd once more in a vain attempt to find the gamma.

'Estan may be with his mate.' Ajax addressed the zeta as he saw Syri's determination to find the gamma.

'What do you mean?' Syri inquired as he continued to stand on the tips of his toes to try to look through the crowd.

'The prince came with the captain.'

'So Yejin is here?'

'The prince and the captain split ways. Jae and I went to find you while Yejin went into town. I assume he found Estan and brought the gamma to the castle.'

Syri released a breath of relief at the vorst's words. 'Thank goodness. I hope you are right.'

'There is no reason for me to be wrong. It is the most possible explanation for the gamma's whereabouts.'

'Let's pray it is.' Syri heaved a sigh as he relaxed his shoulders and got down from the tips of his toes.

'Shall we return to the castle, then, Zeta?'

'Yes, let's.' Syri shook his hair out of his eyes as he began following the vorst through the square and to the edge of the village.

Withers - The highest part of a steed's back is at the base of the steed's neck and above the shoulders.