
The zeta was forced to realize the massive size of the palace when he found himself in the armory. Multiple werewolves from the warrior class turned in confusion when they felt the presence of a small werewolf staring up at them in endless perplexity.

"Are you lost, Omega?" An alpha with dark, wavy hair inquired politely as he slowly approached the pink-haired.

"Uhh..." Syri sounded timidly as his wide eyes flitted to the many, strong men and women. The zeta gulped as his gaze finally landed on the alpha standing before him. The man was tall with a wide build, strong arms, light brown eyes, and tanned skin. "C-Could you tell me where I can find the sigma?" The zeta concluded his request with a low bow.

"Oh dear," the alpha sounded when he realized the predicament the little 'omega' was in. "I'm afraid the sigma's council room is on the opposite end of the palace."

Syri's heart dropped at the alpha's words. He would have to make his way across the entire palace without getting lost, and, with how he had been doing up to that point, it would be a near impossible feat. The zeta rubbed his thumbs together and bit the inside of his lower lip as he realized he would have to make a daring request to the warrior. "Alpha sir, I would like to find the sigma as quickly as I can as my friend is in pain, and I need to make sure he is alright. If it is not too much, would you be willing to guide me through the palace to the sigma's council room?" Syri repeated his low bow at the end of his inquiry. He remained in the folded position as the alpha mulled over the request.

The alpha was silent for a moment as he pondered his answer until he asked, "What is your name, Omega?"

"Syri, sir," the zeta responded as he remained in the bow.

"Stand up, Syri." The alpha's command was gentle as he unfolded his arms that had been crossed over his chest. Syri obediently raised his body to an up-right stance, but kept his gaze to the floor. "How urgent is it that you find the sigma?" The man inquired after he studied the silent zeta.

"Very, sir. My friend is in a lot of pain," the zeta's answer was sincere, and Syri prayed it would reach the alpha.

"Then there is nothing I can do except help you find him," the alpha responded, much to the zeta's great relief. Syri immediately bowed to the alpha in deep gratitude. "Thank you so much, sir!" The alpha gave a nod in response to the zeta's passionate thanks. The man's eyes narrowed as he saw the healing slashes that covered the smaller male's face, shoulder, and arms.

"Max, are you sure you don't want one of us to guide the omega?" A second alpha spoke up as Max stepped forward to help the zeta. "You have duties."

"Ae," Max responded as he stopped and turned toward his subordinate. "I'll be back shortly. I'll report to the captain once I return."

"Very well," the second alpha replied when he realized Max was set on aiding the lost male. "I'll keep the captain entertained until you return."

"Thank you, Kent," Max responded as he turned back toward the zeta. "Shall we?" The alpha asked as he gestured toward the entryway of the armory.

Syri bowed his head slightly as he replied, "Ae," and followed the alpha back into the corridor. The alpha and zeta were silent as Max brought Syri across the palace. Every now and then, Max would turn his head to check on the silent zeta only to find Syri still trailing behind him with worried eyes.

"So...uh, how badly is your friend hurt?" Max inquired as the two rounded a corner, breaking the silence. The alpha was curious what the stable boy had been through for him to be whipped and his friend sent to the sigma.

"I-I am not certain about the extent of his pain," Syri answered quietly as he continued to follow the alpha. "His is probably worse than mine." The zeta's voice trailed of toward the end of his sentence, so Max was barely able to make out his words.

The alpha was curious about how the smaller male had come to be whipped so ruthlessly, but he held his tongue as it was most likely a sensitive topic for the 'omega.' Observing how the wounds were centered around the male's arms and not his back, Max was able to determine they were defensive wounds and were not from an official punishment.

Max held back his many questions: he did not wish to bombarde the small werewolf, who had clearly been through something traumatizing, only to fulfill his curiosity. The alpha and zeta returned to their shared silence as Max led Syri into the wing of the palace that housed the sigma's hall.