The Beta's Secret

"You are healing up nicely," Estan told the beta as he redressed the bandages that covered the slashes from the noblewoman's riding whip.

"Thank you, Physician," Kip said to the gamma respectfully before slipping his shirt over his head.

"Still be careful, though," the gamma added in warning when the beta stood from the bed on which he had been sitting. "No more running like you did yesterday. Doctor's orders." Estan raised a brow to emphasize his words.

"Ae, do not worry, no more running for me," Kip replied, his face falling when he recounted the events of the day before that had required him to run.

"Good," Estan returned as he disposed of the soiled bandages and walked to his desk to jot down his patient's notes.

"Oh? Kip Inso?" A cute voice at the door caused the beta and gamma to turn to see Syri standing at the entrance to the clinic.

"Syri," Kip greeted. "What are you doing here?" The beta walked over to the zeta and ruffled the smaller male's pink head while smiling down at the zeta.

"Lili came by and dropped off lunch. She asked me to give this to Inso as thanks for caring for you," Syri explained as he gestured to the covered box in his hands.

"Lili came by?" Kip inquired, his face lighting up at the epsilon's name.

"Ae," Syri answered. "She may still be at the stables. She sent me to deliver this as soon as she got there." As soon as the words were out of the zeta's lips, Kip dashed out of the clinic.

"Thanks, Syri! You're the best!" Kip hollered as he rushed past the zeta.

Syri blinked his warm brown eyes and processed the past few seconds, a smile coming to his lips when he determined Kip was utterly in love with the girl.

"So, why has my little one come to see me?" Estan inquired in greeting to the zeta.

"I come bearing gifts," Syri said happily as he walked to the gamma and set the box on the physician's desk.

"Ooh, what is it?" Estan pondered aloud and removed the lid, revealing a delicate, delicious assortment of lunch items.

"It's from Lili. She wanted to thank you for taking care of Kip Inso," Syri explained before propping himself on the desk.

"Ahh," Estan sounded and bobbed his head. "Those two...are they...?"

"Mm," Syri replied. "But they haven't officially told each other. It's like: everyone knows, but no one is saying anything."

"Is Kip waiting for Lili to turn eighteen?" The gamma inquired before selecting a mystery rice ball and plopping it into his mouth.

"Ae, he doesn't want to tie her down before she has the chance to find her fated one."

"Makes sense. That's smart of him," Estan commented before scooting the box toward Syri and motioning for the zeta to enjoy its contents as much as he wanted. The zeta obliged the gamma's gesture and selected a piece of toast topped with soft cheese and cured ham. The two fell silent as they devoured the items in the box.

"That was delicious!" Syri exclaimed and patted his full tummy.

"Give Lili my thanks, will you?" Estan requested of the zeta as he placed the lid over the empty container. Syri replied to the gamma with a nod at the same time a knock on the clinic door sounded. The gamma and zeta looked to see the Luna's right-hand beta standing beneath the doorway.

"I should let you get back to work," Syri said when he spotted the gamma's visitor and slipped off the desk.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight, Little One," Estan replied with a soft smile as he watched the zeta exit his office.

"Ae! Bye, Inso," Syri bid in farewell before making his way to the clinic's entryway. The zeta bowed in passing toward the beta as he slipped past the female and disappeared down the corridor.

"Is everything alright, Inna?" Estan asked the beta who entered and approached the physician.

"How do I dampen the affects of a bond?" The beta inquired when she sat in the chair opposite the gamma's desk.

"Ae? What do you mean?" Estan knit his brows at the beta's inquiry, his eyes then widening when he realized the implications of Yehwa's words. "You've found your mate?"

Yehwa nodded. "Ae. I have actually known about them for a while, now."

"Does your fated one know about you?"

Yehwa was silent for a moment before she nodded. "Ae, they do."

Estan was shocked by the beta's answer. "Then, why do you want to dampen the bond?"

"I can't mate them right now. I have duties." Yewha turned her face toward the floor as she added, "I...I can't leave the Luna. She has done so much for me. I can't leave her to the Alpha. She has no one else. The prince is busy with his duties, and the Alpha does not care for her. I am all she has...I can't get mated. Not right now, at least."

Estan remained quiet as he mulled over what the beta said. Yehwa's situation was complicated. Estan understood the beta not wanting to leave the Luna, but Yehwa's request for bond dampeners meant she clearly was fond of her mate and was trying her best to remain loyal to the queen. The gamma released a breath before slowly beginning, "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. The sigma may have better luck with your request. I'm sorry, Inna."

Yehwa slowly nodded in response to Estan's reply. "Thank you, Estan," the beta thanked before standing from the chair and exiting the clinic.

Estan released a sigh and leaned back in his chair. The gamma's heart ached for the beta. She was in a difficult situation. Choosing duty over love was never an easy thing. Estan shook his head at the difficult situation and returned to his work, but there was one question that remained on the gamma's mind. 'Who is this mate?'