You Know Nothing About Us

'I'm sorry.' The true blood bared his fangs and pressed them to Kace's soft flesh, but a low growl from the blue-haired stopped the true blood from sinking his teeth into Kace's neck. Hearing the warning to stay away, Den quickly withdrew to see red eyes glaring up at him.

The eyes that glared up at Den were not those of the man that fled from the true blood; they were of his alpha. The alpha's red orbs were like lasers that pierced the man standing in front of him. Zale was not fond of the idea of being marked without his consent. Much like his human partner, Zale remained silent when Jae addressed him, "Are you alright?"

The alpha flitted his raging eyes from Eternal Dawn's prince to Jae before linking the prince of Crimson Night. 'Kace has withdrawn. I can't reach him.' The alpha's eyes slanted as he inquired about the wolf who dealt him his wounds. 'Where is that bastard who attacked us? I am going to rip him to pieces.' A growl resonated from the injured male, causing the four bystanders to wonder about the contents of the silent conversation between Jae and Zale.

'You can't, Zale. That's why Kace wouldn't let you come out.'

A huff left the alpha at the true blood's words, and Zale diverted his eyes from the dark-eyed prince to let them fall on the small, pink-haired male standing behind Jae. Zale's eyes slanted as he observed the quiet wolf, but his inspection was cut short when Estan stepped forward and began checking his vitals.

"Now that you're out, can you heal your wounds?" The gamma inquired softly. Zale was in an irritable state, and Estan did not want to have to deal with another cranky alpha.

Zale released a scoff as his red eyes flowed to the physician. "I came out because I couldn't heal him. The best I could do was make sure Kace didn't take the pain."

"What about the other one?" The soft voice that spoke up turned everyone's attention to the pink-haired standing behind Crimson Night's prince.

"Aska," Estan greeted the zeta when he saw the aqua eyes which were locked on the injured alpha. Jae watched Zale's every movement as Aska left his side and approached the alpha. Aska bowed his head to Estan in greeting as he passed the gamma before turning to address the alpha. "You can't heal him because of the other one, can you?"

Zale looked the pink-haired up and down before replying, "What do you know, mutt?"

That one word sent pain through Aska's heart, but he did not let that deter him from inquiring further, "Why won't the other one let you heal him?" Zale's brows furrowed at the zeta's question, and he returned with a snarl, "This is none of your business, mutt. I know what I am doing."

"You aren't in harmony with the other one. That is why you are not healing."

"Stop pretending you know us, mutt! You know nothing about us. You know nothing about what we've been through!" Pain filled Zale's eyes as bloodied memories flashed through his mind. "You know nothing about us, so stop pretending you do." The alpha's glare was wet, and his chest was heaving as he tried to control the battalion of emotions coursing through him.

The room fell silent as the zeta's eyes turned back to their warm brown. Jae was quick to catch the zeta as Syri took a step back and nearly stumbled. The zeta blinked his eyes and brought his hand to his head before turning to the man behind him. "Did Aska come out?" A sigh left the zeta when Jae answered his question with a nod. "Is he alright?"

"Ae, he tried his best to help," Jae answered quietly while guiding the pink-haired to stand at a safe distance from the emotional alpha.

The stiffening of the alpha's body caught Estan's attention when Zale clenched the sheets and arched his neck back into the bed. The alpha's eyes were shut with pain, and his breathing intensified. "I think it's Axel," Estan voiced as he spurred into action.

Zale gasped in pain as his back arched before clenching his teeth and releasing a groan. Den was quick to the blue-haired male's side, his face filled with worry. "Is there anything I can do?" Den inquired of the physician as Estan hurried to try to stabilize the pained man. Estan shook his head in response to Den and said, "I'm afraid not. Zale and Axel have to figure it out. If they don't they could kill all of them."