Bo says.
"I will go off sniper and go and play Revolver".
One of his Teammates asked.
"Why do you switch now we need to kill the sniper he is our problem".
Bo slams his hand on the desk and screams.
His teammate just shakes his head.
Juan Looks at Bo and says.
"When you talk to your Mates like that you will never win even without me so just stand up and leave the Café now and Just never try to do a Team again".
After Juan finished his sentence Bo gets angry and screamed so much that the manager must come to say that when he didn't stop screaming now he must go.
After that, he just says angrily.
"Yea I will be quiet now".
Bo's team is pushing very fast so Juan calls.
"We can hold this we just need to kill the shield first".
So everyone starts Shooting at the shield, and Bo's Team's Main Tank screams.
"The shield is almost down I need to take it down".
Bo screams.
"No don't take it down, everyone starts Shooting their shield now".
After a short time, Luan says.
"Guys my shield health is going down fast I need to put it down".
Juan answers.
"Put it not down yet try together there's first then put it down ok".
Luan answers.
"Okay, I don't put it down".
Right after they said it The other shield breaks, so Luan puts his shield down and Xia gets killed instantly after the shield went down.
Juan scope's in and flicks and kills Bo after him he flicks onto the main Supports head and kills him in 5 seconds only the tank was left on Bo's team.
But on Juan's only Xia died and the point counter goes up to 300.
Juan says.
"This was a really good Team play we just need to win the next Team fight then we got the first win then we only need to win one".
As Xia came back to the point Bo's team came back to the point at the same time.
Bo had switched back to Sniper, he kills Tian and he has Juan in his sights but at the same moment, Juan turns around and kills him with a clean headshot, and can believe he screams.
"How I I had you in my sights but you turned around so quickly and just kill me with a clean headshot, everyone this is our last push just try to kill them GOO".
Everyone on Bo's Team just ran in behind their shield but the shield breaks fast because everyone is shooting at it and after that everyone dies In 8 seconds.
The points switch from 399 to 400 and on the school, there stands in blue Victory.
Bo scream's at his Teammates.
"What can you do you all so bad I don't even know why I am playing with you anymore"?
Juan looks at him and says.
"Ehh what the fuck do you say how can they play with someone who calls himself the Team Captain when you don't even call stuff, I know as I flanked that you saw me but you tried to kill me alone but you failed and now you try to flame everything on your team".
Bo gets angry and screams at him.
"You just shut up this is my team".
Juan answers.
"Yea it is but I think not that long anymore, but it is your team so you can do what you want".
Bo gets angry and he wants to start screaming but at the moment the Manager says.
"Guys please be quiet there were customers that complain about the volume please be quieter".
Juan answers.
"I'm sorry but he always screams".
He looks at Bo.
After Juan answers, Bo answers.
"I'm sorry for screaming I will get the volume down I'm sorry Manager".
The Manager answers.
"I hope you will do it know when not I need to kick you out I hope you know that".
She looks only at Bo.