Chapter 19

After he gets 3 times kills In front of the spawn he types in the Chat what the fuck Is wrong with you just play the game normally and stop spawn camping me.

Juan answers why should I stop if it's fun for me.

After the enemy sniper switch from sniper to revolver class, but as he walks out of his spawn after he switches he gets an instead headshot again.

After he got killed again he just stands in their spawn is just typing, You shit you are an asshole I hope you just die.

This goes on and on until the Mach was over and as they lost he typed you're just a cheater man just stop playing the game when you're bad.

Juan just smiles and says out loud.

"Why can't people just expect when the other player is better".

After that Han says.

"Do you guys want to play another round"?

Juan looks at him and answers.

"Yea I want to play but first I need to go to the bathroom".

Han answers.

"Okay, then we will wait for you".

Juan looks at him and says quieter.

"Ahh, where is the bathroom I don't know where he is".

Han answers.

"O I forget that is the first time here, so you just need to get behind the counter and then take the door then you are there".

Juan says.

"Thank you, Han".

After 2 minutes Juan came back.

Han looks at him and asks.

"Are you ready"?

Juan says.


After that Han searches for another Match, there we're looking for a Match for 2 minutes.

After 3 minutes there found a match, and the map there were getting was downtown again.

Everyone picks their class again but Juan doesn't pick sniper this time he picks the revolver.

As they spawned in again Juan says.

"We rush them ok just full-on don't stop we just ran into them".

Everyone answers with.


After that, they go straight to the point, and they see the other team walking also straight to the point.

But as they came closer the enemy team slows down but Juan's team just keeps going.

They all shot at the enemy shield, and within 10 seconds the shield broke so Juan's team just had a free win now.

After Juan killed 2 and Xia 3 there capture the point.

Juan says.

"When they come back everyone just shoots at the shield again".

As the enemy team starts pushing again Juan sees that there is a playing sniper now he screams.

"Be careful guys there has a sniper now".

They start shooting the shield again it broke within 10 seconds again but right as it broke Luan takes his shield down.

Right as he does that Xia gets instantly picked by the other sniper.

Juan says louder.

"Just push them don't be afraid".

Juan gets the sniper with two clean headshots with his revolver, after he kills the sniper he flicks to the main support.

His mouse is faster than he played sniper.

He flicks onto the main support and also kills him with two headshots.

Within seconds the whole enemy team was dead.