Chapter 33

Everyone said down.

After that, the lesson begins.

after the two school periods were over Xia stands up and ran to Juan.

She screams.

"Juuuaaaann help me please I didn't understand a thing in this lesson please help me".

Juan looks down at her and says.

"Aww Okay then I will explain it to her after school s that's Okay ".

Xia answers with a little cry.

"Thank you are my hero Juan thaaannkkk yyyoooouuu".

Juan looks up and says.

"Do you guys want to go out then I want to eat something"?

Xia says.

"YEEEAAAA let's do that".

Han answers.

"Sounds good let's do that".

After that, they all stand up and Xia lets go of Juan, after that, they left the classroom they also left the building they walked right to a tree that stands in the corner of the schoolyard.

Juan sits down first immediately after he sits down Xia sits right not him and says.

"So what do you have to eat with you, look my mom made me this".

She shows him a beautiful lunch box with rice some chicken and some vegetables Juan says.

"Wow that looks good to enjoy it, Xia, my mom made me some sandwiches look here".

He pulls out a little box our two sandwiches are in.

Xia says.

"Oui they look yummy enjoy them, Juan".

She says quietly.

"The Juan do you want to try it".

Juan answers.

"Ehh when you want I would love to them it then it looks really good".

Xia answers.

"Okay then here says aaaaaaa".

She feeds him with her chopsticks after that she looks at him happily and asks him.

"How was it Juan did you like it".

Juan looks at her and says.

"It is delicious your mom is a really good cook, so do you want to try my sandwich".

Xia looks at him and says.

"I'm glad I will say to my mom that you like it and of course, I would love to try your sandwich".

Juan answers.

"Okay here".

He hands his sandwich to her and she takes it and bites a corner off after that she hands it back to Juan and says.

"Wow that is good it is one of the best sandwiches I ever had".

Juan answers.

"O thank you I love my mom's sandwiches too and I will tell her that you like them".

After that, both eat and talked the whole break and both laughed and just had a good time.

Then after 20 minutes, the bell rang.

Ding dang dong.

Juan says.

"O we need to go, ehh by the way Han what do we have now".

Han thinks for a second and then says.

"I think we have History now for two lessons".

Juan says.

"Thank you, Han, then let's go to class before we are too late".

After that, they all stand up and go back to the school building they are going upstairs.

Right as they sit down on the chair the door opens and Mr. Li opens the door and says.

"Hello everyone please sit down everyone".

He walks pass Juan and looks at him and says.

"Hallo are you new then I never saw your face".

Right as Juan wants to say something Xia stands up and walks to Mr. Li and says happy and hugs him.