Chapter 50

Juan answers with.

"Yeah sure".

After that Xia says.

"Okay so why did you say no to joining our team then after you said no to it you were sad I saw it so don't say no to it".

After some time when Juan is quiet and just looks at Xia, he takes a deep breath and answers.

"It is complicated where should I start, Xia which reason do you want to hear first why I was sad or why didn't I join your guy's team hangs together ".

Xia looks at him and says.

"Wait before your start let's finish this match then we can both fully concentrate on the conversation is that okay with you".

Juan looks at her and answers.

"Yea let's do that".

After he finished the sentence he thinks, thank god then I need to think about how I say stuff and that it doesn't last 10 years until I finished it.

After that, they had two team fights and they won both of them then Juan killed both teams both times alone, and that was only with headshots but Xia helped to brake the enemy shield.

After that, they reach 400 points, and on the screens stands Victory.

After that Juan stands up and looks down at Xia and says.

"Let's talk outside when it is okay with you".

Xia also stands up and says.

"Sounds good let's do that".

After that Juan says.

"You can go outside first and wait there I will buy us something to drink".

Xia answers and starts walking.

"Okay, Juan do That I will wait outside on the stairs".

Juan answers.

"Okay see you in a minute".

After he said that he walks to the vending machine, meanwhile Xia walks out of the Internet Café and sits down right from the main entrance on the stairs.

After she sits down she pulls her phone out of her pocket and starts looking around on social media after about 1 minute of looking on social media Juan holds a cold can of soda to her neck.

After he did that Xia Screams aaa and Jumps up, right as she jumps up Juan starts laughing.

After the laughs, for about 8 seconds he sits down and looks at Xia and says.

"Xia comes and sits down again it wasn't that hard".

Xia answers loud but also laughs a little bit and says.

"You can't believe how upset I was at that moment but now it is better".

After that, she sits down Juan hands her a drink after both said down and both open the can and took a sip of it Xia looks at Juan and says.

"So then let's start".

Juan looks back at her and smiles and says.

"Okay so then again first why I didn't join your team or why I was sad you chose".

Xia thinks for 2 seconds and then says.

"Then first why you don't want to join our team".

Juan answers.

"Okay, I just want to say it is nothing personal I like all of you guys".

Xia answers.

"All okay you didn't need to say it and you don't need to defend yourself then I ask you so just say what your point is and only that and maybe I can change your mode or not but I will now let you talk now".

Juan smiles and answers.

"Okay, then I will begin now".

After that, he took a deep breath and took a sip out of his can.