Chapter 105

As Juan reached the spot field he sees the rest of his class already started to warm up, he sees that he ran to the last row and stands in line with the rest of his class.

8 minutes later they finished warming up Juan walks around to find Xia and Han, and after about 20 seconds of looking for them he sees them sitting on a bench outside of the field, as he came closer he says.

"O there you are guys I was looking for you".

Right after he says that Xia turns toward and starts running and screams.

"Aaa there Are you I was so worried because you didn't show up in time what we're you doing".

Right as she finished her sentence She jumps around Juan's neck and hugs him after she starts hugging him He answers.

"I'm sorry to make you worried I just forget that we had PE and I was at the class and was talking to Bo".

After Juan finished his sentence Xia let go of him and looks him right in the eyes and says.

"What did he want from you".

Juan answers.

"He did nothing I just saw him and said hey there was not much to it so calm down by the way we're are Luan and Tian.


Right as Xia wants to answer The PE teacher screams.

"The break is over so everyone please come back to the field".

Right after the teacher called everyone Juan, Xia and Han walk back to the field, as they reach the field the teacher was holding two balls in his hands and he says.

"So we have now two options the first one is that he plays basketball or the other one is soccer and we will vote which one we will play".

After he said that he said the name of the sport and the class raised their hands for the sport that they liked to play.

After they voted the teacher says.

"Okay then we are playing Basketball now so then let's go to the basketball court".

After he said that they walk to the basketball court which was on the other side of the sports hall, one minute later the whole class was at the basketball court.

After they reach the basketball court the teacher split the class into 3 different teams with 9 players each, Juan and Xia were on the same team but Han was on a different team.

After the teams were split up the teacher said that the team where Han is in played first against the other team.

After about 11 minutes of the match between the two teams, they finished the teacher says.

"Good team Play from both teams and congratulations to team 1 for winning this match".

Han is sadly not in Team 1 he is in Team 2.

After a short break, The teacher said.

"Let's play the next match now team 1 against team 3".

Right after he said That 5 players of each team were walking toward the field, Juan was one of the five starting players.

Right before they were going into position Xia screams.

"Let Juan do the kick-off then he can Jump high".

Right after she screamed that Juan looks at her with a shocked face but Xia only laughs after he sees that he runs to her and rubs her head.

As he does that she screams and laughs a little bit.

"it was a joke I'm just joking aaaaa".

After he did that he looks at Xia and say.

"That was not funny I'm not so good at basketball and now I need to do the kick-off".

Xia answers.

"I'm sorry don't be mad at me it was just a joke".

Juan pats her head and smiles and says.

"All okay I just want to Tess you a little bit too but now I have to play".

Right after he says that he turns around and walks towards the center of the basketball court.