Meeting a fox girl at the auction

After Yang Ming entered the auction building with the mature woman escorting him, Shui Wai Tian, who had previously followed Yang Ming, immediately hid in his shadow secretly guarding him.

"There will be quite a few rare items at today's auction and one of them is rumored to belong to the era of the gods, so as you have seen the bidders must not only have a certain amount of wealth, but they also need the ability to protect themselves and the items they bid for. The entry fee to participate in the auction is only 50 gold coins."

Yang Ming silently handed her the gold coins, he didn't even seem to move an eye, noticing his indifference, the woman's eyes seemed to glaze over slightly.

'He seems to be a young master of an influential clan' She thought as she watched Yang Ming, the man who could hand over such a sum of money without even batting an eyelid, it seemed that for him such a sum of money is nothing much, although it was just the entrance fee to participate in the auction.

Yang Ming was not bothered by the fee at all. He couldn't understand people who saved every single penny for all their lives, not even spending a bit of the wealth accumulated through their lifetime. In Yang Ming's opinion there was only one use for money, namle to spend it.

He didn't care what the price of the treasure was, whether it was real or not, he had to get it, no matter how, even if he didn't have enough money and someone else bought it. If that was the case, all Yang Ming had to do was to just visit that person after the auction and then kill him. Just like that the treasure would end up in his hands either way. That's exactly how Yang Ming operated, whether it was the previous him or the current him.

"Sir, please follow me!" - The mature woman smiled seductively, as if trying to seduce him.

Yang Ming noticed this, he wasn't a dumb hero who was denser than a blackhole, so dense that he couldn't understand that a certain girl had been in love with him for a long time, making millions of hints. That was another difference between him, the villain and a hero.

Yang Ming ignored her antics, she was not as beautiful or young as Xue Yan, and she belonged to the type of people Yang Ming despised, namely a whore who would sell her own body for the appropriate price.

The inside of the auction house was quite unusual, as if it was an exhibition, and rightly so. There were many types of antique weapons and armor neatly arranged. There were all kinds of decorations ranging from painting to vases and rare plants, there was also jewelry. Yang Ming assumed that most of those items must be either not that useful or were copies of the originals, put on display.

Walking down the long corridor, Yang Ming found himself in a spacious room which seemed as if it could accommodate several hundred people at the same time. Instead of giving each bidder a separate room here it was made so that all the bidders were very close to each other.

It wasn't at all like the previous display of wealth but rather poverty, maybe that was their plan, Yang Ming felt as if he guessed a few pieces of it.

'It was as if they wanted the massacre between the bidders to start right after the auction' Yang Ming felt that it was quite uncomfortable after his arrival, many people gave him curious or hostile looks, some men seemed to want to devour him while the women wanted to rape him.

Just looking at the gathered women made his instincts scream with horror, but Yang Ming ignored it completely as if he was oblivious, taking a seat in a vacant chair that was as far away as possible from the women participating in the auction.

The auction had not yet begun so there was almost complete silence in the room except a few ongoing unimportant conversations, you could even hear the sound of the heartbeats, Yang Ming silently looked at the other auction participants. He found it peculiar that no one bothered to hide their identities.

'Maybe it's forbidden by the rules.' thought Yang Ming while looking at their faces, in novels there were always people in such places who wore masks or their faces were hidden under a hood, a veil or some other means of concealment, but there was no such thing here, which he thought of as quite unusual.

Yang Ming treated this world as if it was a novel. While everything that happened here was mostly like a normal cultivation novel, now there was a little split. Not finding an answer, Yang Ming came to the conclusion that these were the rules and soon forgot about it.

Just as Dragonewts, Elves, and Demons could be spotted outside the auction, so here, Humans were not the only race participating in the auction. Yang Ming noticed some of the traits of the other races, Elves were all beautiful, Demons arrogant, and Dragonewts carried themselves with pride as if they were a part of some higher race.

His eyes glittered as if he had seen a new toy he couldn't wait to play with. It was the first time he had seen other races besides Humans, which piqued his interest, reminding himself that he would need to find out a lot more about them a little later, preferably in person.

As Yang Ming focused on them, they also returned his gaze. Many of them were shocked when they noticed his level of cultivation, such power at such a young age meant that he possessed enormous talent, and most likely just as unfathomable background.

The people who saw Yang Ming's young appearance initially wanted to try their luck after the auction in an attempt to rob him, but noticing the level of cultivation, their resolve scattered like leaves in the wind, it would be suicide.

Such a genius could hardly be raised by the weak, which means that he was from a big clan, even if he was here alone, they believed that someone had to be hiding in the shadows secretly protecting him, and he must be a powerful expert.

So the number of hostile glances decreased significantly, but that did not mean that they disappeared altogether, Yang Ming could feel that there still remained bloodlust directed at him, as if he was a large, nourishing piece of meat.

"Well, I hope you have the courage to attack me," - quietly murmured Yang Ming with a grin plastered on his face, thinking that their scheme was a complete folly, for they were led as if pigs for slaughter.

Almost an hour passed and the seats were almost fully occupied, while Yang Ming sat on the floor in the lotus position silently cultivating, he quite liked that feeling, the feeling of getting stronger bit by bit which was uncomparable to just reading a novel.

" Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to have kept you waiting so long." - At that time, a young girl's lovely voice rang out, causing all attention to be instantly shifted to her. Yang Ming also heard her voice and immediately opened his eyes.

"Fox..." Yang Ming thought, looking at the young girl's appearance. She had bright golden eyes just like Yang Ming's, long black hair, medium sized breasts, a charming figure that was slightly worse when compared to Xue Yan's and what particularly stood out were the five fluffy tails behind her.

"If there was an otaku here, he'd probably choke on his own blood," Yang Ming laughed quietly.