What fun it is!

It was hard to determine the cause as to why Long Bai and his goons didn't even bother to think as to why one of them was sent flying without even leaving a scratch on Yang Ming. Perhaps if they were a bit smarter they might have been able to notice that Yang Ming didn't reveal his true cultivation level.

Unfortunately, rage and their petty pride completely clouded their minds, depriving them of common sense and leading to their fatal mistake, which could have resulted in their death.


A battle arose in the middle of the forest, in the center of which five figures fought incessantly, the pressure inflicted by the aura of these men seemed to scare away all demonic beasts, leaving behind only mild consternation.

"Fun... Fun... How fucking fun!" Repeated to himself, Yang Ming.

Whereas on Yang Ming's face one could see a broad smile, which almost distorted his face, the Dragonewts seemed to have it the other way around. The longer the fight went on, the less confident they felt

Ten minutes into battle, many of them were already wanting to cry as the fight picked up pace as time went on until it turned into hardcore mode where one mistake could lead to the loss of a head or a limb.

While Yang Ming only used his bare hand to constantly repulse their blows, the Dragonewts used not only their weapons but also the strongest techniques that one could find in their clan for someone on their level. And yet, all their attempts to finish this ambush completely failed.

For the first five minutes it was noticeable how the Dragonewts showed their dominant side completely oppressing Yang Ming, but the further the battle went on the more the scales of victory turned to Yang Ming's side, which could be seen with the naked eye.

In the seventh minute, the initiative was seized by Yang Ming and soon the Dragonewts had moved from actively attacking to defending. With each blow dealt by Yang Ming, they felt that not only the pace of his attacks began to accelerate but also the strength behind his attacks seemed to steadily increase.

"H-Heavenly Ascension(3)" - Exclaimed one of the dragons, as he noticed that over time, Yang Ming's cultivation dramatically began to increase and blows became stronger.

Yang Ming and Long Bai completely ignored him as they were too focused on their ongoing battle. It was clear why Yang Ming's strength and speed increased dramatically, with each strike he released more and more of his power and when the strikes became so strong that they surpassed the Earth Ascension(2), his aura suddenly jumped to the Heaven Ascension(3), allowing everyone to clearly see his cultivation level.

Yang Ming didn't even notice that he revealed his true cultivation as he was too focused on beating the group.

The man who was the first to notice and exclaimed loudly about Yang Ming's true power out of shock was briefly distracted and as a result, his mistake led him to a fatal end.


Yang Ming's fist like a nimble snake, swiftly passed through his defense and exactly like with the former opponent, he struck a strong blow to the chest.

"Ugh..." An agonizing moan escaped the wounded Dragonewt's throat. His eyes suddenly widened like saucers, and immediately afterward they lost their luster completely. Then his body collapsed to the ground, and from either the impact or the shock, the man lost consciousness, lying in his own puddle of blood.

"That's the second one!" - said Yang Ming with a broad smile, ignoring the expression of the three remaining Dragonewts, for him it was like a fun little game, considering that they are not some Dragons that could strike fear into millions of people, but just some punching bags.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

The three remaining Dragonewts were not far away from Yang Ming, so he could hear their rapid heartbeats, their faces completely pale, and while the other two had obvious fear in their gaze, Long Bai had none at all. Yang Ming only noticed the rage welling inside him and a bit of disbelief at what was going on at the moment.

After the second man from the group fell before their eyes, both sides moved a short distance away, looking at Yang Ming who was carelessly wiping the blood from his face, splattered with the blood of his friends, Long Bai was once again taken aback until he noticed the change around Yang Ming's aura, which until that moment he had not felt at all.

"H-Heavenly Ascension(3)" - Long Bai exclaimed in shock, though his voice was still the same, as if one struck iron against iron, you could still clearly hear his trepidation.

Long Bai as well as all the Dragonewts were too shocked by the sudden jump in Yang Ming's cultivation level, it was impossible to break through in such a hard fight at least to Long Bai's knowledge, which meant there was only one explanation.

"You bastard! You were hiding your real level of cultivation all along!."

Yang Ming said nothing in response, only laughed maniacally and clapped his hands as if he was enjoying monkeys' performance in a circus.

Although Long Bai couldn't even think properly due to the situation, inside he still was deeply shocked by Yang Ming's level of cultivation, such a level and at such a young age to boot was too abnormal not only for his race but also for any other race.

Of course some brief thoughts passed through his mind, mostly questions such as, "What's his true identity?" or "How did he become so strong?", in his thoughts, but he dared not voice them out loud, perhaps for the first time he experienced what fear is, fear of learning about something that might break him completely due to shock and denial. So he put such thoughts out of his mind, sizing Yang Ming with his gaze once again.

Yang Ming was no longer going to stand by and listen to the discussion of the Dragonewts, he was having way too much fun to stop it just like that. But before he could move toward the Dragonewts he heard absurd words that could only come across in novels.

"You impertinent brat, your cultivation level is only Heavenly Ascension(3). Did you really think I used all my powers!? If you're looking forward to your death, I'll fulfill your…"

Yang Ming in response laughed once again, he was truly amused by such moments in all the novels, as if instead of a descendant of dragons, a hero stood before and he would suddenly get stronger out of nowhere.

If the action would take place in a novel, and a hero and a villain met in a duel, it would most likely go just like that, but unfortunately they didn't meet, it was just a pathetic Dragonewt and a villain, who was even more terrible than any before.

Of course no one could hear Yang Ming's laughter because it was too quiet, at the same time he was also not standing still, Long Bai did not have time to finish speech, as he felt a deafening explosion right before his eyes.