
Ning Rou and Shu Man were chatting when they heard footsteps upstairs, they looked up to see old Ning You descending the stairs.

"Grandma!", Ning Rou got up immediately and helped her down.

The old woman smiled and blessed," God bless my good granddaughter", and looked over at Shu Man.

" Oh God! this younger generation and their display of love" , Ning You exclaimed and looked around, then frowned

"Where's the brat?She's not in her room", she asked Ning Rou.

Ning Rou acted surprised and also looked around then shook her head.

"Grandma I don't know where younger sis is, lately sis has...", she stopped and immediately covered her mouth as if saying something wrong.

"What did she do?", Ning You asked with impatience.

"She...she has not been coming home early, she comes back late in the night", Ning Rou revealed and her eyes turned watery.

"What? That brat! How dare she go out late at night? Am sure she's seeing men or what else is there to do at this time of the night?", Ning You yelled and looked towards the entrance.

"What's going on?", Lin Yua asked with a sleepy voice, it seemed the commotion had woken her up, she covered her mouth as she yawned.

"That brat of a daughter has been going out late at night to see men", Ning You complained with disdain in her voice.

"What?", Lin Yua immediately jolted fully awake now.

"How dare she do such a thing! She's too much of a disgrace to the Ning family!", Lin Yua said.

"Who says that I've been seeing men?", a hoarse but sweet melodic voice asked at the entrance.

Ning Xi smiled deviously and walked in slowly.

"You brat! How dare you try to deny what your elder sister said? Do you mean she's a liar?" Ning You stood up in anger.

"Deny? Do you have evidence to prove what you said? Elder sister?" Ning Xi turned to Ning Rou.

"I...I...", Ning Rou did not know what to say and trembled, she did not know Ning Xi would come back so early or she would not have lied.

"Since you're speechless it means I'm innocent right? I'll take my leave now!", Ning Xi took a low bow and walked away.

"That...cough...cough...", Ning You started coughing profusely until Ning Rou handed her a glass of water.

"Grandma drink this water and calm down", Ning Rou looked at her with a worried expression.

Shu Man too had just recovered from the shock, throughout his life of knowing Ning Xi he never thought or had never seen her speak like this, in such an arrogant and disrespectful tone.

"Brother Shu you should leave now, It's really late", Ning Rou kissed his cheeks and held his hands.

Shu Man got up and said his goodbyes to everyone before leaving.

"RouRou I'm so proud of you as your mother, you're so intelligent and have a powerful and handsome boyfriend. Don't worry too much about that sister of yours, tomorrow your father and grandmother will make sure to punish her.", Lin Yua patted Ning Rou's head and left for her room, soon Ning You followed suit after calming down.

The house was as quiet as a cemetery.

Ning Xi took a shower and changed into her pyjamas before going to sleep, she glanced at the starry sky before covering herself with the blanket.

At the same time in an underground base sat a cold looking, handsome man, with bloodshot eyes in total darkness.

He sat on a huge throne and looked down at the man kneeling before him, this man had wanted to betray him but had been caught.

"Gu Zhen even if you kill me it would not change the fact that you are a monster!",the man who had been beaten up sneered at him.

Gu Zhen smiled," I've always been a monster and will continue to be one!", The man snorted and then he pulled the trigger and the man fell onto the floor dead.

He called his men to clean up the place, and then he smiled and touched his small soft cherry like lips. He wanted to kiss her again.

Ning Xi tossed about in the bed, she was dreaming of the man who stole a kiss from her again. She had had this dream countless times.


Ning Xi woke up with a lazy expression, today she had to go to school! So annoying! Today was her first day because she had just transmigrated. At least she knew Tan Yu.

She washed up and brushed her teeth then rampaged through her clothes. What the f*ck! Had the previous Ning Xi been wearing these things as clothes? They all looked like rugs and were out of fashion, it must have been Ning Rou who had given her these clothes.

She didn't have any money and these were the only clothes she had, she would wear this only today and manage to buy some new clothes later.

She took out an old faded blue jeans and a huge black top.

She looked through all the funny looking shoes and finally found one sneaker which was a bit okay at least.

The other Ning Xi must have really been something to be wearing such things.

She took her bag and saw a large spectacle on her desk, the previous her had an eye problem as well? but the current her did not have any eye problem!

It was now time for a bit of change, she threw the large spectacle into the bin nearby and slung her black bag behind her back.

She walked down the stairs beautifully and caught the eyes of everyone downstairs.


Thanks for reading...our mysterious man is slowly being revealed.

Hope you enjoy every chapter.

Love y'all...