In a relationship

Ning Xi packed up a few things she deemed important however she wasn't going to go out through the Ning family door, they seemed to be hellbent on marrying her into the Min family.

Ning Xi opened the window and swiftly jumped, landing on the floor easily without parting a butt.

'I have no other choice than to walk to the Su house, I'm so damn dry!'

Ning Xi sighed and helplessly walked all the way to the Su family house.

'I think I have to look for some part time job!'

Ning Xi passed by a building and saw a poster on it, they were looking for someone to work part time professional modelling for a famous magazine and the pay was to die for.

"What a coincidence! Just what I needed!", Ning Xi smiled widely as she stepped into the building.

She met a receptionist at the desk and politely greeted her.

"Good day ma'am,", Ning Xi then went on to ask about the modelling, the receptionist gave her the direction to the audition room.

Ning Xi arrived only to be met with a huge crowd of ladies in line eagerly awaiting to be called to the audition room.

Ning Xi was the last on the least, she found a place to sit and decided to take a short nap.

"Number 208? Who's number 208?", A lady from the audition room said at aloud.

Ning Xi was awoken by the noise, she immediately lifted up her hand and followed the lady into the audition room.

She was met with a panel of four judges, three men and a woman.

"Hello, my name is Ning Xi!", Ning Xi took a short bow.

"Hello, have you ever modelled?", the lady asked.

"Huh? I haven't however I'm very good at it!", Ning Xi laughed dryly, the woman made her feel awkward at the moment.

"How old are you? Are you in high school?", One man asked, he looked and sounded like an American.

"Ah... I'm 17 and yes I'm in high school!", Ning Xi felt annoyed now, what sort of questions were this? were they looking down on her because she was a teenager?

"What about your availability? considering the fact that you are a student, how available will you be?", The lady asked.

"We'll be vacating from school within a week so I'll be free afterwards!"

"Are you okay with being in front of a camera? "

"Yes, I have no problem with that!"

"Okay... thanks for your cooperation, the interview is over, leave your contact information with the secretary!"

"Actually I don't have a phone...", Ning Xi's face turned red from embarrassment.

"What about your parents then?"

"I don't have their contact information in mind actually"

"Then you can leave your address, when the results are out we'll contact you!", the lady smiled and gestured to her to leave.

Ning Xi doubted if she would get this job, there were so many others who came to audition and the chance of her winning was very very low.

Ning Xi soon arrived at the Su family house, she took in a deep breath and opened the door.

"I'm home!", Ning Xi announced and then immediately changed into her house slippers.

"Oh you're back? Your father and I prepared a little something for you, it's on your bed. Go arrange your things and come downstairs for dinner!", Mu Jang said in a sweet voice.

Ning Xi nodded and headed upstairs to her room, upon opening the door she saw a huge figure asleep on her bed.

"This...", Ning Xi covered her mouth, wasn't this guy afraid of being discovered by her adoptive parents?

Moreover the fact that he had sneaked into her room once did not give him the permission to be sneaking in anytime he wanted.

'This damn guy! I don't know him from anywhere yet his actions would make one think we were in a relationship."

Ning Xi walked over and lifted her hand ready to hit him hardly on the shoulder however the next moment, the guy she thought was asleep firmly grabbed her little hands and pulled her such that she was now lying on top of him.

Ning Xi's eyes widened immediately upon realizing the position she was in, she was about to scream when he covered her mouth and changed positions.

He was now on top of him and she below him, he clasped her hands together and tied them with his tie to the bed.

Ning Xi's heart started to race, what did this psychopath want?

"Don't be scared, I'm not going to touch you yet since you haven't ripened yet, you're still a growing baby!", Gu Zhen smirked and placed his finger on her soft tiny red lips which were calling him to kiss her.

"The door...what if someone walks in?", Ning Xi tried to distract him and struggled to get her hands out of the tie.

"Poor little kitty, I've missed you so much?", Gu Zhen drew closer to her, he could feel her breath and so could she.

Ning Xi took in a deep breath, for some reason she believed this stranger guy when he said he would not harm her.

Gu Zhen realized that Ning Xi seemed to be distracted and wasn't paying attention to him, he grabbed her lips with his and passionately kissed her fiercely and wildly.

"Hmm...", Ning Xi was taken aback by the kiss, the guy would bite on her lips from time to time as if punishing her.

Gu Zhen only stopped when he realized Ning Xi was completely out of breath.

"You...", Ning Xi was heavily panting for breath as she glared at Gu Zhen angrily.

"I have no relationship with you, how dare you kiss me anytime you like?", Ning Xi almost screamed but held back.

"Relationship? You want one? Fine! From today we're officially in a relationship!", Gu Zhen leaned closer to her once more.

"Hey! That's not true, how can I date someone I just met who I'm not even in love with?", Ning Xi rolled her eyes.

Gu Zhen leaned closer and bit hardly on her lips causing a stinging sensation and leaving a mark.

"Don't ever say such words to me or next time...I might touch you for real", Gu Zhen said coldly, his voice threatening.

"Untie me! Untie me immediately!", Ning Xi struggled once more.

Gu Zhen snorted and untied her hands, Ning Xi glared at him and sat up.

"Tomorrow is the birthday in the Shu family, are you really going?", Gu Zhen sat closer to Ning Xi on the bed.

"Uh-huh!", Ning Xi nodded, she didn't even have a dress to wear for the occasion.

Gu Zhen's eyes turned cold the moment he heard her answer.


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