
Ning Rou sat on Shu Man's laps the moment they got to his room and the two began to kiss passionately, Shu Man got turned on and reached out his hand to undress Ning Rou.

"Brother Shu...!", Ning Rou held back his hands, her face was red.

"Oh... sorry I got carried away by my emotions!", Shu Man said, Ning Rou was not yet eighteen so there was no he should touch her.

Ning Rou lowered her head shyly and buried her face on his chest.

Shu Man chuckled, this shy cute little girl.

"Brother Shu sorry if I'm not able to please your desires!", Ning Rou hugged his neck and kissed him slightly.

"It's no problem, I can wait for you okay?", Shu Man kissed her forehead.

"Brother Shu sister did not receive an invitation to grandpa's birthday, how will she attend?", Ning Rou asked worriedly.

"It's okay if she doesn't come, she will just cause trouble anyways, don't worry too much about her"

"But...what if...what if she tries to sneak in?", Ning Rou said, her eyes were filled with hatred as she spoke.

"That will be impossible, the security will be very tight!"

Ning Rou nodded and her lips curled up into a smile.


Ning Xi froze upon hearing his words however she did not turn back to face him.

"Do whatever you want to do!", Ning Xi threw this words and walked away, there was no way this guy was going to show the video to her parents and she knew that.

Ning Xi walked home after getting some hungover soup however she got the greatest shock of her life upon getting there, sitting with her parents at the dinning table was Gu Zhen.

"Oh Little Xi you're here?", Su Fujia waved for her to come over.

Ning Xi's heart started thumping fast, why was he here? He had actually been serious?

There was no way she wanted her parents to find out about this, she had just returned and moreover her parents might get disappointed.

Ning Xi decided to sit right beside Gu Zhen and try to stop him.

"Little Xi this man here said he has something very important to tell us, we were only waiting for you to join!", Mu Jang smiled brightly, gosh she had never seen such a good looking elegant young man in her whole life.

"That's right, I have some information for your parents and was only waiting for you, the thing is...", Gu Zhen's had a slight smile as he spoke.

"Mom!", Ning Xi immediately got up at once and yelled interrupting Gu Zhen.

"Huh?", Mu Jang was shocked by her daughter's reaction just now, what was wrong?

"I'm sure the sir is tasty and I want to visit the washroom, how about you and dad go get him some glass of water?", Ning Xi said calmly.

Mu Jang and Su Fujia stared at each other for a moment before leaving for the kitchen together.

" almighty one please have mercy on me and don't say a word about whatever happened earlier okay? You can come into my room anytime you like!", Ning Xi bowed slowly.

"Why should I not say anything? It's not your room I want but your heart!", Gu Zhen replied nonchalantly.

Ning Xi heard footsteps which meant her parents were nearing by, "I'll do anything you want so please just don't say a word!"

'This little girl, she had better not regret what she said because there's no turning back now'

Mu Jang and Su Fujia appeared soon holding a glass of water and a glass of juice.

"We didn't know what you preferred so we brought you this so you could choose one", Mu Jang placed the tray down.

"I'll prefer a glass of water then, thank you madam!"

Mu Jang nodded with a smile, this guy seemed to have a good character too.

"Okay so what I wanted to say was actually about your daughter, a few hours ago she had saved me from some armed robbers so I decided to come here and thank you all", Gu Zhen stood up and took a low bow.

"Oh my gosh is that so? Oh my little Xi are you hurt somewhere?", Mu Jang and Su Fujia immediately rushed over to Ning Xi worriedly.

"Mom, dad I'm okay!", Ning Xi sighed as she sent them away, she was already feeling bad that she had lied to them.

Gu Zhen had a meal with the family and promised to visit again before leaving.

"Oh Little Xi do you have a boyfriend? That young boy looks really handsome and I'm sure he's from a good family too!", Mu Jang playfully winked at Ning Xi.

"Hey watch your words! Little Xi's too young to think about dating! Moreover we don't know that guy from anywhere!", Su Fujia frowned and hit Mu Jang slightly on the shoulder.

"Mom I think dad's right it's not yet time for me to think about dating yet!", Ning Xi said.

Mu Jang felt defeated and in a few minutes the three started chasing each, the house was full of laughter.

"Mom like I told you earlier I'll be going to the Shu family's dinner so I'm going to get ready then"

Ning Xi opened her door and was not surprised to see Gu Zhen sitting on her bed with the huge box besides him.

"Hey since we're partners now how about you tell me about yourself?", Ning Xi tried to sound friendly.

"How about you call me honey?", Gu Zhen grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Hey! Anything doesn't mean pervert stuffs!", Ning Xi hit him hard on the shoulder.

"If you're going for the birthday you require two things, one which is very important and compulsory, an invitation card!", Gu Zhen raised his hand to show it to her.

"I don't have one but I could actually sneak in!", Ning Xi smiled at him.

"Since you're working towards taking revenge and need some connections too you don't have to ruin your reputation, you've got to amaze everyone tonight so you have a good impression", Gu Zhen lifted the corner of his lips, his smile as mesmerizing as always.

"You...", How did this guy know about her plans when she had not told anyone? He must have a very different IQ.


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Love y'all...