The balcony

Ning Xi immediately turned around, she was not going to allow this young master cause a fuss over here.

If this people found out that she was connected with him that would be the end of her.This people would start worrying her and following her around so that they could meet him.

From what she knew he had lots of enemies, they would chase after her if they knew they were related!

Gu Xiao was standing not too far away, he sized up Ning Xi, was she the little girl Gu Zhen was chasing after?

Gu Xiao leaned against the wall and observed whatever was going but there was a ding!

Gu Xiao picked up his phone from his pocket and read the message.

[Beautiful: Hey Gu Xiao it's been a long time right? Just wanted to tell you that I'll be back soon.]

Gu Xiao read the message twice and lifted his head to look at Gu Zhen, his lips curled up into a smile.

Ning Rou was dumbfounded, Gu Zhen had actually ignored old Shu Yei? And why was he standing behind Ning Xi?

Could it be that...? No way! How could someone like Ning Xi be connected to such a big shot? Impossible! Maybe she was exaggerating too much.

Old Shu Yei was deeply embarrassed, he had actually been disgraced by a young man but there was nothing he could do because this young man was not just an anybody.

Gu Zhen smirked as Ning Xi walked away however no one could see it since he had his back turned to the crowd.

It was the first time for most of the people present to actually see this legend since there was no picture of him on the internet or even on the television. He was a mysterious person who was rarely seen.

Most of them couldn't help taking countless pictures of him most especially some reporters however the few old reporters who knew what trouble they could get into didn't dare to take a single picture.

Ning Xi climbed about four staircases before finally seeing a balcony, she looked behind and was pleased to not find the young master behind her.

'Thank goodness he's not here, anyways I never expected to be able to have a connection with this powerful male lead, I have to take advantage of this opportunity!'

Gu Zhen walked forward and took a seat at where Ning Xi sat previously, he took the wine glass he had seen her drinking from, there was a little wine left in it and he gulped it down.

'I just had an indirect kiss with my little kitty'

Gu Zhen was pleased and a little smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

"Hey why are you smiling all by yourself?", Gu Xiao sat next to Gu Zhen.

Gu Zhen ignored Gu Xiao completely, his cold aura around him as usual.

"I have good news for you, she said she will be coming back soon", Gu Xiao said.

"Who's the she?", Gu Zhen frowned, he didn't remember having any relationship with any woman.

"Shen Xu, she sent me a message a few minutes ago"

"So why are you telling me?", Gu Zhen asked coldly, Shen Xu and he had been childhood friends because her family and his family were close. However he wasn't that close with her, the only thing they usually did together was to learn together, he always taught her maths.

However everyone else including both families thought something was going on between them.

Ning Rou excused herself from Shu Man and went upstairs, she was going to look for Ning Xi since she had seen her go up.

After searching for a while she saw Ning Xi standing at the balcony and staring into the sky.

She was filled with jealousy as she watched Ning Xi from behind, she didn't understand why a witch like Ning Xi was born with such a beautiful body and face.

She had wanted to destroy that innocent looking face the first day she laid her eyes on Ning Xi.

"It's a beautiful day isn't it?", Ning Rou calmed down and walked towards Ning Xi.

Ning Xi chuckled and turned around to face Ning Rou.

"Oh what brings the fake heiress of the Ning family here?", Ning Xi crossed her arms and stared at Ning Rou.

"Shut it Ning Xi! Everyone knows I'm the real heiress of the Ning family!", Ning Rou's face turned red as she fumed with anger.

"Oh aren't you going to pretend to be innocent and magnanimous? Everyone thinks you are but deep down you know you're not right? You're just an adopted daughter! The Ning family will abandon you the moment you're not of use to them.", Ning Xi scoffed.

"Hey! Watch your words bitch! Just admit it... you're jealous of me right? That your own family has abandoned you so you have to go around sleeping with old men to get money, you're just a slut!"


"Any word from your mouth and I'll tear it apart!", Ning Xi said coldly after giving Ning Rou two painful slaps.

"Ha! Did I touch your sore part? Is that why you're angry? I'll say it once more... you're a prostitute!"

Ning Xi spat on Ning Rou's face and walked away.

"Ahhh!", Ning Rou screamed and then fell into a pool nearby.

Ning Xi was surprised, she had not expected Ning Rou to jump into the pool however she knew Ning Rou could swim so she walked away.

"Help!Help! Ning Xi come back and help me!", Ning Rou screamed and pretended to be struggling however Ning Xi ignored her.

She Ning Xi could not swim because everytime she jumped into water she would be traumatized because of something that happened in her other life when she had been young.

Moreover she knew that Ning Rou could perfectly swim, this must be a trap,Ning Rou knew that this Ning Xi couldn't swim.

If Ning Rou wasn't going to get out then she could continue being in the cold water.


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Love y'all...