Memory Loss

Shen Xu glanced at the message once more and then read it over and over again.

'Gu Zhen has been following a young girl around? It's impossible!'

Attached below the text message was a blur picture of Gu Zhen carrying someone in his hands, the picture was very blur so she couldn't see the face of the girl.

'Maybe he's just playing around, what can he do with a little girl?'

Shen Xu got up from the seat, straightened her suit and walked out of her office, it was evening and everyone else had left.

She hopped into the backseat of her car and the driver drove her away, she glanced at the picture once more and then deleted it.

The window of the car was open and the wind was playing with her long blonde soft hair which had been tied into a ponytail.

'Beijing, it's been years since I left there to the states, I think it's time to return and establish myself'

Ning Rou arrived at the scene with the help of Shu Man, however what she saw disappointed her a lot.

"Where's sister? Where's she?", Ning Rou tugged onto Shu Man's clothes with trembling body.

"That... sister of yours wasn't here when I arrived here with your father, I think she escaped!", Lin Yua was unhappy, she had wanted everyone to see Ning Xi in a bad state.

"But how's that possible? It's clear that sister can't swim!", Ning Rou said.

Gu Zhen had wanted the nanny to help undress Ning Xi however she wasn't around, since it was a weekend she had gone over to her family.

He had no other choice than to undress her by himself, Gu Zhen turned her around and her backside was now facing him.

Gu Zhen swallowed hard and unzipped her dress, the moment her white pale skin came into view his little brother couldn't help standing high proudly.

Gu Zhen took in a deep breath however before he could do anything else a tiny hand grabbed his hand which was about to touch her.

"What do you think you're doing?", Ning Xi glared at him, her gaze quick and sharp.

Gu Zhen was surprised, had she not been unconscious a few minutes ago?

"This is what you wanted right? To take advantage of my innocence huh? I'll not allow that!", Ning Xi said coldly, her body was trembling much more than before as her fever rised.

"You're wrong, I'm only taking off your dress and change you so that your fever can go, you fell into the pool, don't you remember?"

Ning Xi squeezed her face, she didn't remember falling into any pool however she could feel that her body was wet.

Ning Xi looked straight into Gu Zhen's eyes and felt that he was telling the truth, she even saw some medications on the table not too far away.

"Now that I'm awake I'll undress by myself! Turn around!", Ning Xi commanded in her small soft voice.

Gu Zhen chuckled and turn around however he soon heard a sound and turned around to see Ning Xi on the floor unconscious.

Gu Zhen immediately rushed to her side, he immediately changed her into his clothes and shouted for Kim Han to come in.

"What happened?", Kim Han asked

"She was conscious a few minutes ago however she fell down and went unconscious once more!, moreover she couldn't remember what happened before she fell into the pool and...", Gu Zhen explained everything into details, he was sweating profusely as he spoke.

"As for why she didn't remember falling into the pool she has to go for a treatment at the hospital, however she went unconscious because she was too weak and her fever was also too high however she'll be okay by tomorrow", Kim Han explained to Gu Zhen.

Kim Han excused himself and went out, the moment he saw Gu Xiao he scoffed and walked away.

This guy had refused to tell him about the girl in the room no matter how much he had persuaded him, he said he would only tell him if Kim Han gave him the key to the sports car Gu Zhen had given to him recently.

There was no way Kim Han was going to give away the car key, that sports car was the latest in town and it was his baby!


Ning Xi woke up early in the morning, she felt her head ached terribly and struggled to sit up.

She looked around her environment and frowned, where was she? was she dreaming? or had she gone back to her real life?

However this room looked too expensive and exquisite that she refused to believe it was her other, then where exactly was she?

She felt a grip on her right hand and saw the face of an extremely handsome godly man sleeping beautifully by her side.

'Awwn he's so cute! Wait! Why am I in bed with a man?'

Ning Xi immediately looked down and saw that she was in a male's dress.

'What the fuck!'

Ning Xi lifted her leg and kicked Gu Zhen hard that he fell to the ground.

"Ouch!", Gu Zhen winced in pain and got up with a frown, who had dared to kick him from his own bed?

However when he got up and met the innocent face of Ning Xi, his heart melted however what followed next was a huge punch on his face.

"Pervert! How could you do this to me? Who do you think you are to take away my innocence?", Ning Xi got up and started hitting Gu Zhen everywhere she could.

"Hey you've misunderstood...", Gu Zhen held both her hands with only one of his hand, lifted her whole body with the other and placed her on the bed.

Ning Xi's heart started beating fast, this guy was very strong, how was she going to free herself? And what? Did he want to do it with her again?

"Listen carefully to me little kitty, I never took advantage of you, I only helped you overcome death after saving you from the pool", Gu Zhen leaned closer to her and his hot breath made her ears feel ticklish as he whispered into them.

"You saved me from a pool?", Ning Xi was surprised, she didn't remember anything of that sort.

She only remembered standing at the balcony however she didn't remember anything else, why?

"You don't remember still? Yesterday Lin Yua pushed you into the pool after Ning Rou accused you of pushing her into it", Gu Zhen explained.

"Oh is that so?", Ning Xi remembered something, because of her trauma from childhood whenever she fell into water she would forget whatever had happened.

Gu Zhen didn't seem to be lying and moreover she felt like he was honest.

"So... you changed my clothes?", Ning Xi's face turned scarlet red like a bright tomato.

"Uh-huh!", Gu Zhen nodded with a naughty smile.

"Pervert!", Ning Xi hit him hard on the shoulder.


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