The Boss

Ning Xi approached Ming You, she was thinking about inviting Ming You to join her company.

Ming You was eighteen so she could also help in some legal stuffs moreover Ming You was her close friend, it would be good to have her over.

She had read that Ming You's mother was sick with heart issues, Ming You had no other option and had sold her innocence for the money.

However the person was a pervert middle aged man who did not let her go, he sexually abused Ming You till she had died.

"Ming You...", Ning Xi tapped the girl who seemed to be deep in thoughts.

She would not let that happen since Ming You was her friend.

Ming You felt like something was weird, Shen Xui had denied her so why did he suddenly agree?

"Huh? Ning Xi?", Ming You forced on a smile, she tried her best to look bright.