Did I say you may leave?

Ning Xi and Gu Zhen soon arrived in Gu Zhen's office.

The office was very huge and exquisite however it was dull looking, the colour of most of the things were either ash or black.

"Here, I bought this for you", Ning Xi lifted her little arms as she handed the food to Gu Zhen.

"Let me hug you for a while", Gu Zhen placed the food somewhere and pulled Ning Xi into a tight embrace.

Gu Xin and Fu Yehan had met outside, the two badged into the office and this was the scene they saw.

"Brother you..."

"Cousin you..."

Fu Yehan and Gu Xin both glanced at each other after realizing they had spoken at the same time.

Their brother, whom they had never seen with a woman before was hugging a little girl?

Gu Xin stared at the back of the girl in Gu Zhen's embrace and felt like she looked too familiar.

"Ning Xi?", Gu Xin's jaws dropped open upon realizing who it was after thinking for a while.